Saturday, September 2, 2017

Journey from Skioria by Kandi J. Wyatt

Genre:  Middle Grade, Fantasy
Source:  I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Kandi J. Wyatt has been one of my favorite authors since I was first introduced to her “Dragon’s Courage” series.  She has the ability to suck you in from the very beginning. Her world building is always exquisite. In this book, we meet Tania who falls overboard and wakes up in a strange land with strange people around her. As she travels with her new friend, Trilicius to his home of Skioria, he describes all that she sees. Kandi’s world building puts you right in the middle of the world. I equate it to the first time I watch the movie Avatar. I was amazed at the creativity of the world.  That’s what Kandi does with words.

The Characters she has created are wonderful. I loved that Tania was taller than the Skiorians, Terrans and people from Avary.  She has given them each their own culture that we can relate to.  I found Tania to be very believable. This is probably because I have taught that age and have grandchildren that age. I absolutely loved the idea that a council had to be convened to decide how to help Tania get back to her family.  This gives us a look at how their world operates. This is a great fantasy,  adventure story.  Since I am one of those adults that absolutely adore reading middle-grade fiction I can recommend it to middle-grade kids that I teach. I am always pleased to place Kandi’s books on my shelves.  This one is another I will recommend to my students and to all adults like me who love not only great stories but specifically middle-grade stories.

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