Showing posts with label Apocalyptic/Dystopian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apocalyptic/Dystopian. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Prince Who Fell From the Sky - John Claude Bemis


Publisher:  Random House (May 22, 2012)
Pages:  272
Source:  Review copy from publisher in exchange for an honest review
Genre:  Middle Grade, Post-Apocalyptic, Animal Fantasy

From Goodreads:
In Casseomae's world, the wolves rule the Forest, and the Forest is everywhere. The animals tell stories of the Skinless Ones, whose cities and roads once covered the earth, but the Skinless disappeared long ago.

Casseomae is content to live alone, apart from the other bears in her tribe, until one of the ancients' sky vehicles crashes to the ground, and from it emerges a Skinless One, a child. Rather than turn him over to the wolves, Casseomae chooses to protect this human cub, to find someplace safe for him to live. But where among the animals will a human child be safe? And is Casseomae threatening the safety of the Forest and all its tribes by protecting him?

Middle-grade fans of post apocalyptic fiction are in for a treat with this fanciful and engaging animal story by the author of the Clockwork Dark trilogy.

My Thoughts:
This is one author who has that magical touch that allows his animals to become somewhat human.  In a world where the humans are supposedly extinct, a bear and rat find themselves protecting a child who fell from the sky.  When a flying craft crashes in the forest, Dumpster, a rat and Casseomae find themselves the protector of the only survivor, a young boy.  The animals of the forest call humans the “skinless ones”.  As you read you realize they have many prejudices against humans based on what they have heard from tales passed down.  I thought it interesting that Dumpster was the keeper of the memories.  He is despised by others in the forest because he lived among the humans.  Dogs are even lower on the list because they lived with the humans. 

Knowing this small boy or cub as Casseomae calls him will not harm them, she sets out to get him to safety.  When word of the child reaches their leader Ogeema, he is determined to kill the child.  I loved the bond between the bear and the boy.  I loved the way Dumpster pretended he didn’t care about the boy and that he was nothing but trouble.  His actions proved different.   This reminded me of the movie “Ice Age” where the wooly mammoth was determined to get the small boy back to his people.

I loved the writing style.  Bemis did not tell the names of animals.  He described them through the eyes of the band of animals traveling together.  When Casseomae comes upon her first strange animal she described it as a “strange deer.  It had an exceptionally long neck ….she could make out spots over its coat, large brown blots against a field of tawny yellow.” (Page 193)  It would have been so much easier to just say they saw the carcass of a dead giraffe.  His descriptions showed the animals as intelligent but not all knowing.  I had not read his previous trilogy The Clockwork Dark, but will definitely do so now.  This is an author I will proudly recommend to all of my students and parents. 

Come back tomorrow for a guest post from the Author.


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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Swipe – Evan Angler

Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Pages:  288
Source: Review copy from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review
Genre:  Middle Grade, Dystopian

Book Description
Everyone gets the Mark. It gives all the benefits of citizenship. Yet if getting the Mark is such a good thing, then why does it feel so wrong?
Set in a future North America that is struggling to recover after famine and global war, Swipe follows the lives of three kids caught in the middle of a conflict they didn’t even know existed. United under a charismatic leader, every citizen of the American Union is required to get the Mark on their 13th birthday in order to gain the benefits of citizenship.
The Mark is a tattoo that must be swiped by special scanners for everything from employment to transportation to shopping. It’s almost Logan Langly’s 13th birthday and he knows he should be excited about getting the Mark, but he hasn’t been able to shake the feeling he’s being watched. Not since his sister went to get her Mark five years ago . . . and never came back.

My Thoughts
I loved this book.  I am purchasing it for my school bookshelves.  I think this will appeal to people of all ages.  As an adult I can see our society headed this way.   I can only imagine the fear Logan felt when his sister didn’t return from her trip to get the Mark.  I was concerned in the beginning of the book that he was just being paranoid that he was being watched and followed.
Erin’s move to Spokie made me wonder why her mother did not come with them.  Her father can stop a question from anyone; just by telling them he works for the government.  Any government that is this secretive and deceptive can’t be that great. 
This book did have something unique that stuck with me.  In the beginning of the book Evan’s house was describe.  Most of the houses are vertical.  This means there is one room per floor.  I thought this would seem very strange as a living situation.  You couldn’t just walk across the hall to your sister’s room.  You would need to go up or down a floor to see them.
This book has enough suspense to hopefully hold the reader until the second book comes out in September.  It is called Sneak, and will hopefully answer many questions that are left unanswered. 
I am grateful to Thomas Nelson’s BookSneeze program for allowing me to read and review this book.  It is one I will promote to my students next year.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A New Dystopian Blog

While checking in on Writer Musing's Blog I came across a post about a new Dystopian blog.  They blog all things dystopian.  It is run by four authors who have debut dystopian novels coming out next year. Check out the site run by:  Beth Revis, Julia Karr, Angie Smibert and Jeff Hirsch.  Some very thought provoking posts for such a newbie.  If you are a lover of things dystopian this is a must.

Check out The League of Extraordinary Writers