Showing posts with label Nonfiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nonfiction. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

One Minute After You Die by Erwin W. Lutzer


Genre:  Christian Nonfiction

Source:  I purchased a copy

Fow me this was an inspirational book, a confirmation of what I have known since I was a child. Things I wondered about were made clear. I always wondered about people who said they spoke to their long dead loved ones. I remember asking my mother at such a young age about that, and she said that it was demons pretending to be their loved one.  This book spoke about people who have had near death experiences.  I have no doubt that in some cases they have had a glimpse of something God allowed them to see.  I remember reading an account when I was a teen of a man who said he had died and felt the flames of hell burning his feet. This happened twice and in the end he repented and lived for the Lord.  I have no proof that these things really happened. What I do know for sure, as my mother said for years, one minute after you die you will be in heaven or in hell.

I choose to live my life for the lord.  This is not popular today. I have gotten in trouble several times for answering questions asked of me at school and someone with a differing opinion, or someone who was mad at me said something to those above me. I’ve been in trouble before. If that is what I must endure for God then so be it.  This is a book full of scripture explaining Biblically what we can expect. It is one that I highly recommend.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Egmont Key A History by Ronald H. Thompson and Carol Thompson

Genre:  Non-fiction
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Egmont key is a place I have wanted to visit since I was in college. My history class was going to take a field trip to Egmont one Sunday. Unfortunately due to church and my job I was unable to go. I had to write a paper about it. This was difficult because there isn’t a whole lot written about this island.  Egmont can only be reached by boat. Originally it was the home of Fort Dade and a lighthouse.
The book is full of history.  However, like other resources I have found on Egmont Key. I felt it was somewhat lacking. I guess if I truly want to learn about it then at some point I am going to have to take time to visit the island.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Stop the Slip: Reducing Slips, Trips and Falls by Thom Disch

Genre: Non-fiction
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

When I was asked to read and review this book I said yes not because this is a topic I just can’t get enough of. I said yes because my mother who lives with us has had several falls.  Two years ago  she fell  just three days after I got home from a rehab facility where I had been recuperating from double knee replacement.  The root that tripped her was smaller than one-eighth inch in diameter.

According to the author falls are often seen as humorous, until it happens to you. Studies show that there are more falls among the young due to the fact that the older people try to be more careful because of the high risk of injury.

The author also gave excellent advice for reducing the risk of falls and injuries.  Footwear has been one of the major causes of slips. People prefer to look fashionable instead of worrying about safety by wearing shoes that may be less fashionable and yet safer.

The author not only gives us authentic situations in which we can see ourselves and others. He gives tips for preventing some of these slips and falls. Some of them seem common sense. Some of them are things we never think about.  How many people think about the possibility causing them to slip or fall? Very few. We see our pets as our companions. A co-worker of mine fell two days ago, tripped up by her dog. She ended up in the ER.  Some things can be prevented if we pay closer attention when we walk. Several years ago while walking to our school’s office I stepped on the metal surrounding our outdoor mat and flipped my ankle breaking it.  I was in a rush and not paying attention to where I was walking. I actually had a book in my hand. This is distracted walking. It cost me eight week in a wheelchair.

The author has provided several resources to  help you. One of those is a home Audit checklist. This is a valuable book. The information provided could save a life or prevent a fall.  I am recommending this book to everyone because slip and fall is not an older person’s problem. It is an every person problem.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Real Dogs Don’t Whisper by Kelly Preston

Pages: 200
Genre: NonFiction
Source: I received a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own. I was not compensated in any way.

From Goodreads:
Do you believe in second chances? Real Dogs Don't Whisper book is about second chances and miracles. Special needs dogs teach their human about life and how to believe and live in the moment. Award winning, Real Dogs Don't Whisper is more than a book about dogs - it's a book about life. Named Winner for the 2013 National Indie Excellence Awards, Alex Carroll Radio Publicity Sponsor's Choice. 2013 Silver Award Winner in Readers' Favorite Non Fiction, Animals/Pets category. 2013 Finalist in Readers' Favorite Awards, Animals/Pets category. 2013 Finalist in the National Indie Excellence Awards, Animals/Pets category. 2013 Finalist in the "Animals/Pets: Narrative Non-Fiction" category by International Book Awards. Real Dogs Don't Whisper is about rescue dogs that were ready to be given up on because they have special needs. It is about how these special four taught their human, Kelly, about life. Real Dogs Don't Whisper: Life Lessons from a Larger than Life Dog! (and his Owner), is the true story of a remarkable family as told in a unique way by both Kelly Preston, the owner of the household, and her spunky, hilarious, nine-year old Lhasa Apso, Mr. MaGoo. Kelly, Mr. MaGoo, Buffy, Carla Mae, and Betty Boop. A girl, her two Lhasa Apsos, one Cocker Spaniel, and one adorable mutt - each with their own challenging set of difficulties to overcome. One puppy has serious neurological disorders. Two were severely abused. All are on a journey of discovery. Together, learning love and patience along the way, they have grown and thrived. And perhaps none so much as the girl.

My Thoughts:
This is a wonderful book.  You don’t have to be a dog lover to enjoy this book.  I grew up on a farm much like the author did.  We raised pigs.  We rented out our fields to neighboring farmers. We always had 1-2 dogs and loads of cats.  I was the cat lover in the family and everyone else the dog lovers.  We took in dogs that were dropped off in the country and found their way to our house, or dogs that were given to us because someone had abused them and they needed a good home.  I could identify with the author in so many ways.  There is  a lot of work that goes with taking in pets like this.  There are ups and down. There are times when you are overjoyed by what your dog is doing and then there are times that  are tough to deal with. Kelly has gone above and beyond with her dogs.  She has taken in dogs with a plethora of medical and personality disorders that would prompt others to put them down.

Another reason to read this book is because of the sheer humor found in it.  The book starts out being told by Kelly’s co-writer and dog, Mr. Magoo.  His humor in the way he sees things makes the story flow. The books is peppered with pictures of her dogs throughout the years.  I am so glad I was given the opportunity to read and review this book.  It is one I will definitely cherish and recommend to my friends.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Student Saturday: Super Storms

Super Storms That Rocked the World: Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and Other Disasters – Mark Shulman

Student Reviewer:  Maddy 

From Goodreads:
Life-changing hurricanes, devastating tsunamis, and last-minute tornadoes are just a few recent havoc's that Mother Nature has wreaked upon us. But with "Super Storms that Rocked the World" by Meredith Books, you'll get to take a glance into the devastation of nature before the era of technology. Explore shocking disasters from the past century and the last few years that ravaged nature as we know it today.

Student’s Thoughts:
How many of you out there love storms?  I know I do.  I think this book is perfect for storm lovers.  This book teaches you how storms happen, why, and how they can wreck the outdoors.  This book has a lot of facts about storms.  A lot of storms wreck things, but some do not.  Have you ever seen a lightning storm?  If so that is one that does not usually make destruction.  It is a cloud full of lightning.  If you like storms, read, borrow, check-out, or even buy this book.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Off to Class – Susan Hughes

Publisher:  Owlkids Books
Pages:  64
Source:  I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Genre:   All Ages, Non-fiction

This book made its way through several of the teachers at my school before I got it back to review.  We are an IB World School, so the other teachers thought they should read this book to share with their students how lucky they are to be able to have an education that comes so easy.  It was eye opening to see how these kids live and how much they value an education.  This is a block that definitely will go on my shelves.  My students need to realize how good they have it. 

For me the most interesting thing was the Platform schools.  Kids are free to cme and go,  or bring younger siblings.  This eliminates many problems they may have.

I personally would love to hold school in a tree house.  I think Ill share this book with my students at the beginning of next school year.  Maybe then they will appreciate the free educational chances they have.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Learn Chinese Through Songs and Rhymes - Lydia Lin

Publisher:  CreateSpace
Pages:  400
Genre:  Instructional Bilingual
Source:  I received a copy from the author in exchange for a review

About the Author
Because of her father's occupation, Lydia Lin has lived in a few different countries during her childhood and youth. Whenever her family moved from one place to another, she and her siblings had to deal with the issue of learning the language used at the new school and, at the same time, maintaining a working knowledge of their native tongue, Mandarin Chinese. Consequently, Lydia has rich first-hand experiences to draw on for compiling this Chinese language instruction book, even though her studies and job functions have been in the fields of science and technology

My Thoughts

When I was first asked to review this book I was very excited.  It was not that I wanted to learn Chinese.  I teach at a middle school that has as one of its three foreign languages, Chinese.  I asked our Chinese Teacher Mr. Liu to review the book after I had and give me his feedback.  For my part I thought the book was an excellent example along with the audio files.  I loved that she used a lot of familiar Western songs.  No, I will never be proficient or anywhere near passable in Chinese.  My students have tried for three years.  I have a problem with hearing some of the sounds that are in the Asian languages.  My ESOL students used to throw up there hands in frustrations because of this. 

Mr. Liu took the book home.  He felt after examining it that if the book was used without the audio then I would be difficult to learn. His one suggestion was a CD to accompany the book.  He was impressed enough to use it as an incentive for his students.  One of his students will own the book at the end of the year.  He tells me they are working very hard for this book.

I believe this is just one more aid to help our students learn a foreign language.  In this case Chinese.  I whole heartily recommend this book.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Promote Your Book – Patricia Fry

Product Details
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Allworth Press (August 10, 2011)
Language: English

The ideas and tips in Patricia’s book were most helpful.  I was really pleased.  I found myself going from one link to another, checking things out.  I self-published my book and I wish I had read this book a year before I published.  There is so much information in this book.  I found the section on promoting my book to be the most helpful.  When you self-publish it is all up to you to promote your book.  The book doesn’t give you every single step.  It is more like giving you the basics, and pointing you in the direction of many resources to help you along the way.  I reviewed this book in an e-galley format.  I will most definitely need to purchase it for the advice within as I prepare to publish my next book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the NetGalley book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Two Wonderful Books By Linda Ballou

Saying Goodbye with Love – Linda Ballou

From Amazon:  What your family should know before going to the funeral home. This book is about final expenses and final wishes. This book will make it easier for your family when making funeral arrangements.

About a week back my husband and I went to a local Amish restaurant with two goals in mind.  The first was to seek out the manager in regards to a possible book signing at their restaurant and the second was to eat at their delicious breakfast buffet.  Upon entering we noticed an author set up for her book signing.  After eating we stopped by to look at her books.  I got more than I bargained for.  I chose to purchase her book “Saying Goodbye with Love.  The reason was simple; my elderly mother lives with us.  She is constantly telling me that she has everything in her file cabinet in her room.  I didn’t know what else I needed to do for her or how to bring up the subject.   I new the following things:  My mother was to be buried next to my father in the national cemetery and that her insurance would cover it.  She would always tell me that we would discuss the rest later.  I never knew how to bring up the subject without offending her.  That is where Linda’s book came in. 

My mother has had a living will for quite some time.  It wasn’t until my sister passed away and was cremated that I found out my mother does not want to be cremated.   I decided it was time to sit with her and to use Linda’s book to get things in place.  This went from simple things such as the funeral home to the things most people don’t think about and discuss with family.  I have her wishes for her funeral, who I need to contact, nursing home information in case it ever becomes necessary.  She did the research and chose the one she thought was a best fit.  The financial end is taken care of.  I remember the decisions we had to make when my father passed away.  Tough decisions to make anytime, but especially when you are grieving.  I was going to give this book away on my website but have decided to pass it on to other family members.  I have a sister and niece,  both with cancer.  They have told me I am to handle everything.  This book will help.  I have made a plan for  my own children.  This is not a subject we like to talk about, but it is a necessary subject.  Linda has just made it much easier for us.  I recommend this book to everyone.

Soft Selling in the 21st Century – Linda Ballou

From Amazon:  Dr. Linda Ballou has extracted the essential gems from her renowned sales training seminars and concentrated them all in one prescription for sure-fire sales success. Dr. Ballou covers essential preparation to sell, from goal-setting to eliminating the competition. Then she lays out a clear "Blueprint of Sales" that will guide any reader, from beginner to seasoned professional, to foolproof closings. Throughout she emphasizes the new musts for 21st-century sales: educating the client and stellar service.

After purchasing the book I proceeded to talk with Linda about my first and upcoming book signing.  I discussed my fears with her.  She graciously gave me little tips and hints to make things easier.  I had one of my books with me and I gave it to her as a gift.  Then she handed me her second book and told me that it would help me.  I have read positive thinking books most of my life.  I’ve read some of the best books on selling.  However, Linda’s book Soft Selling in the 21st Century is a gentle reminder not only to those who sell a product, but to those of us who must sell our skills and talents every day.  It was a reminder that even with writing I must still set my goals and then create a plan to get there.  I must set goals and plans for all aspects of this new venture.  So that is what I did.  It’s funny because within thirty minutes of working on my plan I had two book signings scheduled and two stores asking me to bring in my books because they wanted to carry them.  I was so happy.  As soon as I returned hope I sat at my desk and started working at those goals again.  This book will work for everyone no matter what your walk in life.  Most importantly it gave me back the confidence I needed to see what I had to do.  Do I think this will make this book a best seller?  No.  Do I think it ups my chance of getting my book in the hands of those who can make it a best seller?  Most definitely.  I can’t thank her enough for allowing me the opportunity to read and review two wonderful books.  Thank you Linda and I will spread the word about your books.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Color Is Everything

Color is Everything by Dan Bartges is the best color theory book I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I have been dabbling in painting for several years now and still have a problem with color. After reading the book I took my very first painting and was able to figure out what I need to do to fix it so that I will like it again. The fix is very simple. I have had a color wheel for years, due to quilting but never really had someone explain and give examples of how to use it. Believe it or not it came with a color theory book for quilters. The most beneficial part of the book was where he put up pictures and had the reader figure out the color scheme used. The ability to do hands-on work with the book was also very helpful. I pulled out some of my fabric I had put together for quilts and found some very common mistakes I had made. These would have been not too pleasing. I usually have my daughter help pick out my color schemes based around one central color because she has that “natural ability” that so many of us don’t have. I will share this book with her as she has been experimenting with painting. This is definitely a book for the beginner and advanced artist or artist in training. I will give this book 5 out of 5 and recommend it to my quilting and arts and crafts friends.