Showing posts with label Science Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science Fiction. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Wonderful Books for the Imagination

Can you See the Magic by Chris Stead  Artwork by Els Dirickx
Genre:  Children's Picture Book
Source:  I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

In my opinion, children's books should not just tell a great story, but they should spark the imagination. This is by far my favorite children's book of the new year. I have shared it with several teachers and students at school. It was great fun watching them look around the room and see the owl in the wood grain on my door or the dragon that is on theirs. This book  is great for ALL ages.  I teach middle school and my students loved it. Chris Stead has taken the artwork created by Els Dirickx, and created a story where you must use your imagination to see the magic around you. In this story two young children convince their father to walk around the farm with them to see the magic. The father, like most adults tells them there is no such thing as magic. The children assure him there is. They look at rusty old cars, and burnt pieces of wood.  This has reignited my already big imagination. I have always seen the magic in things. I used to drive my mother crazy with statements like, “Look at the face in the tile mom, it’s an old man with a droopy hat.” Our imagination served us well when we were growing up on our farm. We spent hours looking at the clouds and other items for the magic in them. I am already a fan of Chris Stead’s books. He worked his own magic when he paired up with this artist who creates something she calls Arikai Reverse art. The word Arikai is made from the names of two of her grandchildren Ari and Kai.

To find out more about Chris' books go to:

To find out more about Els Dirickx's artwork go to:

Morty's Travels by Anderson Atlas
Genre: Children, Science Fiction, Adventure
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

This is a strange and fun adventure story. Morty likes to play pranks on his dad. One morning he goes outside to find a slug to put in his dad's shoe. Instead, he finds a strange flower. The pollen from it causes him to sneeze and he is transported to another planet. He meets some friendly adventures and even finds a pet. This would make a great bed-time story. The pictures are wonderful.
Find out more about Anderson's work at:

Monday, February 29, 2016

Youngtimer: Time Flies by G.G. Fulton

Genre: Middle Grades, Science Fiction
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

From Goodreads:
In this second book in the "Youngtimer: Adventures In Time" Series, best friend's Carly and Patti are happy to have the summer off from school, and are determined to make the most of it.
Carly's time machine is calling their names!
In between saving her "only" brother, Brad, from a difficult situation involving a 6'6", 275 pound linebacker, and a run in with the school drama queen, Carly and Patti are off on more great adventures as they carry out Carly's big plans: I Heart Grampa; Time Flies; Extra Extra Hunger; and De-Bully Lulu.
Come along for the ride to non-stop fun and adventure.
My Thoughts:

This is the second book in this series and it is just as enjoyable as the first. Carly, along with her best friend Patti set off on several adventures.  This time things don’t go quite as smoothly. This series is really enjoyable.  Adults and kids can both relate to the characters. They and their time travel are very believable. This is a series my students will definitely love to read. The adventure of time travel will be enough for some people. The idea of traveling back through time to witness parts of history make this even more worth the read. If you haven’t checked out this series yet then you had better get started, to see what you have been missing.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Youngtimer: Adventures In Time by Glynnis Rogero

Genre: Middle Grade, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Carly is this super smart, nerdy girl who has been recommended to skip two grades.  She decides to do everything in her power to get lower grades so that she can stay at that school with her best friends Patti.  This is just one of the adventures Carly creates in this book.

When Carly's grandfather passes away he leaves her a mysterious letter and wooden box.  The instructions tell her not to open the box until she reads the letter.  She has always been her grandfather's favorite.  She even had a secret knock that allowed her, and her alone,  into his garage/workshop.  She places the box under her bed where it stays until her best friend Patti finds it and pulls it out. She has been asked by her grandfather to wait until she is eighteen to open it.  But, as Patti points out that is six years away. What her grandfather has left her is tucked away in a corner of his workshop. Carly can hardly believe he has left her a time machine.  Carly tries it out while her friend is there in case something goes wrong.  Then she talks her friend into going on a trip.  But, what happens when Carly uses the machine to try to fix a family problem and changes things?  The tension was taut enough I kept thinking, don't do that....what happens if...

Parts of this story reminded me of the movie "Back to the Future" where Marty has to be careful how he changes things because it could have dire consequences.  This is Carly's situation.  Will she make the problem she has at home better or worse?  This is a must read book.  It is full of humor and situations that my middle school students would definitely be able to identify.  I will definitely recommend this book to them.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Student Saturday: The Comet's Curse by Dom Testa

Student Reviewer: Isaac

In the not so far future, a comet known as Bhaktul passes by the sun, leaving the remnants of the tail to be passsed by Earth. Normally this is a beautiful event. However, a deadly condition coincidentally occurs, leaving many to speculate that an unknown particle located in the tail is what causes this condition to shatter the healthiest human. There is an escape thoug, a respectable scientist, Dr. Zimmer, plans to send 251, fifteen and sixteen year olds due to the diseas not affecting teens below the age of 17 or 18, on humanities life saver Galahad. However, one of Zimmer's colleagues and close friends disagrees, so events could be bound to happen as Galahad travels to two planets light-years away.

I felt in the place of many characters because I can easily relate to their problems and how they react.
I would recommend this to any sci-fi fans who love to be on the edge of their seat and is always thinking about the plot and what's going to happen next.  This is an amazing and fascinating sci-fi book. What can I say?!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Time Square UFO by S.W. Lothian

Genre: Middle Grade, Science Fiction
Source:  I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

From Goodreads:
The effects of the Shift have caused havoc at Time Square. Time itself is in danger of imploding and Operation Slingshot has been activated to save the day. Team ELMR embark on their first mission to locate and rescue the first of the missing travellers.

Mission: ELMR-01
Date: 8-July-1947
Location: Roswell, New Mexico, United States of America

Mission Brief: Readings indicate that the target traveller has possibly been captured by a brilliant, but eccentric, scientist who is investigating reports of extra-terrestrials that have crashed in the Roswell area.

Due to this, it is essential that the target is located and rescued before he unwittingly reveals our secret. If the secret of time-travel is revealed to such a random mind, then it could spell disaster and have a huge impact on the world.

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this book. this is the second book in the Time Square series. I this adventure ELMR is brought into the Roswell event. They have been sent through time to find Wilber Force who has been kidnapped. Sultan Peppercorn who had stolen the obelisk has frozen it hoping to shatter it. Instead he creates an ice age in Time Square. I was happy to read this book because the author had a "name a character" contest.  I submitted the name Leonard Paxton. Based on the description he had given us I looked for names with certain meanings. Leonard means "Brave Lion" and Paxton means "Peaceful".  Leonard is Sultan Peppercorn's  assistant.  He doesn't necessarily like what the Sultan does or how the Sultan treats him, but as he put it, the job pays his bills.  He is very loyal. This book also included a new problem. Those traveling through time might end up being miniaturized.  This happened to Razer Sharp. The other kids don't know why she was and they were not.  This is just one of many problems they will face.  You really need to read this book to find out what else can go wrong in Time Square.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year and First Review of the New Year


Iggy Loomis: A Hagfish Called Shirley by Jennifer Allison
Genre: Elementary, Science Fiction
Source: I received a copy  to facilitate my review. The opinons expressed here are my own.

This is the second book in the new Iggy Loomis series by Jennifer Allison.  Iggy and his brother Daniel live next door to a family of aliens.  Allistair is Daniel's new best friend.  Unfortunately something happened while Daniel and his brother were visiting Allistair and now when Iggy gets upset or super excited, he turns into a bug or his buggy parts start to appear.  They have been able to control it most of the time.  Iggy is super excited because Allistair has a cool pet.  They go to see it and find out it is a hagfish.  This is not what most humans would have as a pet.  Unfortunately things in their life start to go really bad when Iggy drops Shirley the hagfish into the toilet and flushes it.  This is a fun book to read.  You keep wondering how they are going to get out of each situation without getting caught.  You keep wondering what Iggy is going to turn into next.  I would strongly suggest that you take this fun ride with Iggy and the gang and read this series now.  Start you new year off right with a great book.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Time Square Time Shift – S.W. Lothian

Genre: Middle Grade, Science Fiction, Suspense, Humor
Source: I received a review copy from the author

 This is another wonderful series from this author.  In this series we meet Dr. Rex Hudson and his family.  Dr. Hudson and his assistant are in Peru at Machu Pichu looking for something important.  They find a black oblisk and have it shipped back to his home.  Once home he shares the exciting find with two of his three children, twins Eva and Lewis.  While inspecting it the three of them are sucked into it and find themselves in Time Square where all time goes through.  Unfortunately when they are sucked through the youngest son Thomas is left at home with his aunt who had been staying with them while their father is away.  Once in Time Square Dr. Hudson realizes by bringing back the oblisk he has upset time and time travelers everywhere are stuck.  He and the children must find a way to get back home and get the oblisk back to where it belongs.  Unfortunately the oblisk is stolen making their job more difficult.  The children are set to the task of helping to rescue those stuck in time.

Like his previous books in the Quest Series, S.W. Lothian is a master at creating time travel stories. The oher thing I love about his books is that he has the ability to tie adventure, suspense and humor all together in one book.  This is definitely the recipe for hooking a middle grade reader. I am so glad I had the opportunity to read and review this book. It is one I will put on my shelves at school and then sit and wait impatiently for the next book in the series.

Author Bio From Amazon

S.W. Lothian is a funny and cool guy from Australia. His kids call him 'Phil Dunphy', because he reminds them of the dad from Modern Family. He isn't sure whether this is a compliment or not, but he takes it as a compliment.
As an imaginative kid he dreamed of creating exciting worlds and funky characters, and thought he'd be the most famous person to ever do this. He loved to draw and was dux of Art in High School. Top of his dream list was to be an animator. He loved watching all those classic cartoons on TV - Scooby Doo, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Road Runner, Wacky Races, The Simpsons, the list goes on and on.

BOOM! Reality hit. The dreams were parked as the corporate world beckoned. Then, 25 years later, the long-held dream to create erupted like a jam donut in a microwave and S.W. started writing fiction for kids of all ages.

His books can be summed up as fun-action-packed-time-travel-adventures-for-the-kid-in-everyone. He writes stories to excite, inspire, teach and thrill. Stories with awesome edge-of-your-seat fun. Stories that let kids escape to new places, and adults remember the dreams of their own childhood.

His debut novel, The Golden Scarab, was a 2013 READERS' FAVORITE BOOK AWARD FINALIST.

S.W. Lothian can be followed via

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Iggy Loomis Superkid in Training: The Attack of the Gobblebox - Jennifer Allison

Publisher: Dial (September 12, 2013)
Pages:  208
Grades 2-4
Genre: Science Fiction
Source: I received a copy from the author for review.  The opinion expressed here is my own.

For fans of Captain Underpants, here comes Iggy Loomis-- already a hugh pain in his older brother Daniel's you-know-what. But when a science experiment gone wrong makes Iggy's DNA mutate, Iggy gets cool super powers! Is Iggy going to turn into an alien? Daniel needs to stop Iggy right now-- before EVERYONE gets in trouble! With aliens gadgets, space travel, superpowers, spies and Jennifer Allison'shumor, this story is an out-of-this-world blast! 

My Thoughts: 
I've had a blast reading Jennifer Allison's "Gilda Joyce" series.Now she's started a wonderful elementary series.  Her main characters are wonderfully, funny kids.  Daniel has just learned that his younger brother Iggy will be moved into his room.  The reason is that he broke his crib. Iggy shared a room with his sister Dottie.  She doesn’t want Iggy to move out since they’ve been together all their life.  Iggy is ecstatic about the move.  His older brother knows Iggy will break things that don’t belong to him.  Iggy isn’t in Daniels room any time before he climbs onto the top bunk and in a tug of war over one of Daniel’s toys the mother and father come in.  Daniel loses his toys to the gobblebox. The gobblebox is a box where toys are placed until the parents feel the kids have earned the back. 

We also meet two other characters.  Chauncey has been Iggy’s friend for a long time.  However, I found him to be rude and obnoxious.  He is not allowed to eat candy yet he goes to Daniel’s house and eats as many sweets as he can find, even rummaging through Daniel’s moms purse to get some gum.  He is a trouble maker and blames Daniel for things he does, and gets Daniel in trouble.
Daniel's new neighbor Alistair is a strange kid.  He collects bugs, can make toys fly and only eats broccoli. Daniel likes him even  though he acts weird and they become friends. But, Alistair has a secret.  While Daniel and Alistair are supposed to be watching Iggy he gets into Allistair’s backpack and eats some of his bug specimens.  This is going to cause more trouble for everyone involved. 

Kids are going to love this book.  The drawings are charming, the story line carries you along so much that you don’t want to put it down. I could picture kids reading the book and thinking, “yeah that’s just like my brother.”  There will be so many ways they will connect with this book.  This is only the first book in the series.  I am looking forward to reading more.

Jennifer Allison is best known for her acclaimed Gilda Joyce: Psychic Investigator mystery series, which has received numerous starred reviews.
Jennifer Allison recently moved from the Washington, DC area to Chicago with her husband Michael and their three children: Max, Marcus and Gigi.
Find out what inspired Jennifer Allison to write Iggy Loomis: Superkid in Training.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Warpworld - Kristene Perron and Joshua Simpson

Book Summary:

How far would you go…

On his first crossing through the warps, Seg discovers a world rich in vita – fuel to save his dying world. Cold, brilliant and desperate to prove himself as a Cultural Theorist, Seg breaks away from the recon squad sent to protect him, to scout out prime vita sources. But to find his prize he must face his biggest fear: water.

Fiery and headstrong, Ama receives an ultimatum from her people’s tyrannical overlords: betray her own kind or give up the boat she calls home, forever. When a wealthy traveler hires her as a guide, Ama thinks her prayers are answered – until a violent murder reveals Seg’s true identity.

On the run, over land and water, hunted by a ruthless and relentless tracker, and caught in the schemes of a political powerhouse, Seg and Ama will have to strike an uneasy truce to survive.

The fate of two worlds is in their hands.
My Thoughts:
I was not really sure if this would be to my liking.  Don't get me wrong, I love science fiction and the premise sounded great.  You just never know until you get into the book and begin reading. This book is told from two different perspectives.   We have Ama who lives in a society that reminds me almost of a medieval caste society. Ama is part of the Kenda society.  This is just one step above the Welfs (slaves to the others)  I like Ama and her spunk.  She lives in a society where she is given freedom to own and captain her boat for a short time.  The reason?  She is female.  They have a certain place in society and it is not owning and operating a business.  She has a family full of brothers who believe she should marry and accept her place in society.  It doesn't help that she has a brother who is soon to become a part of the highest place in society.
The second main character is Seg.  He is from a world where the technology is more advanced.  His people prey on societies like Ama's.  They take what they need to survive and use the people they take back to their world as slaves.  Seg is an up and coming Theorist.  He is very gifted and so he does the unthinkable.  He decides to change the way things are usually done.  He goes undercover to get what they need to take back and meets Ama.  It is only a matter of time before the situation becomes more complex as Ama and Seg start to have feelings for each other.  I loved the world building in this book. It took me a while to get into this world.  But, once there it was a world I didn't want to leave.  I absolutely loved this book and I look forward to reading more in the books that will follow. I definitely recommend this book to all science fiction/fantasy lovers.

Kristene Perron's Bio:
Kristene is a former professional stunt performer for film and television (as Kristene Kenward) and self-described 'fishing goddess'. Pathologically nomadic, she has lived in Japan, Cost Rica, the cook Islands, and a very tiny key in the Bahamas, just to name a few. Her stories have appeared in Denizens of Darkness, Canadian Storyteller Magazine, The Barbaric Yawp and Hemispheres Magazine. In 2010 she won the Surrey International Writers' conference Storyteller Award.
Kristene is a member of SF Canada. Her novel, Warpworld, is the first in a five book adventure science fiction series, penned with her Texan co-writer, Joshua Simpson.
She currently resides in Nelson, BC, Canada but her suitcase is always packed.

Joshua Simpson's Bio:A career nomad, Josh Simpson has driven trucks through the lower forty-eight states, treated and and disposed of hazardous waste, mixed mud as a stone masonry laborer, failed abysmally in marketing, gotten on people's nerves as a safety man, and presently gets on their nerves even more using nerve release techniques in musculo-skeletal pain relief.

He lives amidst the scrub and mesquite of West Texas, cohabiting with the requisite writer's minimum of two cats.
Warpworld is his first published novel.

Find out More Here:

Warpworld blog tour site:

Rafflecopter GIVEAWAY: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Student Saturday - Phule Me Twice - Robert Asprin

Student Saturday is a day I post reviews written by other students.  The review that follows is written by Talon.

I thought that the book “Phule Me Twice” was funny. This book makes me remember about going into middle school for the first time because Phule goes to a new planet. The book was great. Phule is the captain that controls the group of Leiginaires. He has a butler named Beeker. The new planet was named Zebobia. This book reminds me of a forest with new things to explore. I recommend this book to my classmates because I think they would enjoy it. Phule had to help out this planet. He did his duty. Does this new planet have to doe with the mystery thing in the previous books? Read it to find out.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Student Saturday - Life As We Knew It - Susan B. Pfeffer

Student Saturday is a day I post reviews written by other students.  The review that follows is written by Ashley F.

You’re lucky to have electricity, food, warmth and water.  When Miranda finds out a meteor is going to hit the moon, she figures it’s just going to rain. Then, the day comes and she could see it with a naked eye, and when she least expects it BOOM!!!  The meteor hits, and Miranda and her family has the worst to come. Now they are struggling for shelter, food, water and warmth. But, what Miranda doesn’t know is that everyone that she knows and loves are dying or moving out of state. She and other families are struggling for health and strength. Could she make it out alive? Is she going to be all alone? Will she dies first? Will her brother’s make it?  This meteor is like no other meteorite.  It ruins her life and those around her.  These questions will occur to you and many more in this HEART POUNDING, DEATH INDICATING book.  Read it,  find out, or don’t…

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Full Day of Reading

Brainrush II, The Enemy of My Enemy – Richard Bard
Publisher:  CreateSpace
Pages:  332
Source:  Received a copy for review
Genre:  Thriller, Action, Adventure

From Goodreads:
Former combat pilot Jake Bronson believed the worst was behind him.  But when a sophisticated terrorist cell shows up in his home town, he’s drawn into a conflict that threatens the heart and soul of every mother in America.  The bonds of love and loyalty are tested as Jake and his friends are swept into a deadly game of good versus evil.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this book more than the first one.  This is so action packed I feel like I’m watching a movie in my head as I read.  Hey out there in Hollywood, this would make an excellent movie, hint, hint.
Jake Bronson has a special gift or curse depending on how you look at it, created by an accident.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about you need to read the first book.

Richard Bard has learned how to take a story and make it enough of a roller coaster ride that you are holding on waiting for the next drop.  He has added enough current events to make the story very believable.  It is not only an action roller coaster, but also at times an emotional rollercoaster.  Through this book we get to read about terrorists, drug cartels, gang members, and other unsavory people.  I can travel to places through his books that I will probably never be able to travel to.  I get the thrill of watching Jake come to the rescue once again.  In the end the book leaves us with a satisfying conclusion, yet yearning for the next book.  Hurry please, and thank you.

Rust - Glen Joshpe, M.D.
Publisher:  CreateSpace
Pages:  202
Source:  Review copy from author
Genre:  Adult, Adventure, Scientific Mystery

I'm not really sure how to describe this book.  There was so much medical jargon and description that someone not familiar with it would probably be turned off.  At times I felt as if I was reading a medical book.  Fortunately when my sister was going through nursing school my favorite summer past time was reading her nursing books for fun.  Yes I know that sounds strange, but if it had words I read it.  I enjoyed the scientific material.  I read it straight through at one sitting.  I had to see what happened and how it would end.

Alex Stein is a Cornell University scientist who has discovered how to prolong life.  This is discovered when data from a census taker in a region of Africa comes across the desk at the U.S. Census Bureau in Washington, D.C.  This was so far off the charts that it raised a red flag.  This prompted the CIA to get involved.  The CIA sent Carlton Terry to Alaska to track down Alex's former roommate, Steve Hinton.   Word reaches Alex that the CIA is trying to locate him and he decides he must leave Africa.  Carlton learns all he can from Steve Hinton and is informed of Alex's disappearance.  Their next plan of attack is to locate Alex's grand-daughter Abby.  He goes in undercover.  When Steve Hinton is killed Carlton realizes he must locate Alex and protect him and Abby at all cost.  Read the book to find out who else is after Alex and what they would kill to find out.

I enjoyed the mystery line of the story. I loved the way it ended.  I even enjoyed learning more about the body.  This may be the teacher in me that is always wanting to learn more.  The author has given several resources in the book that are actual working sites.  He himself  graduated from New York Medical College.  He has published three other books.  He currently lives in Bradenton, Florida with his wife Vicki.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Changer's Summer - Mike Lewis

Publisher:  Createspace
Pages:  178
Source:  Review copy in exchange for  a review
Genre:  Middle Grade, Science Fiction

In the past, scientists experimented and changed the environment and animals through technology and then they vanished.  We slowly figure this out when a changer begins to materialize one piece at a time in a barn.  There are several unique things about the world the author has created.  Rain is either green and goopy, or yellow acid rain.  Crops must be grown inside of barns.  animals talk, rats are able to reason and build ladders from crop material.  Changers have been traveling through time to"look" at their accomplishments.  Now they plan on making changes to "fix" their mistake.  When Tom and his friends realize the plans will make things worse.  they have to find a way to stop them.  The world was wonderful  The characters were great, the plot was slow but still interesting enough to make me want to read the second one.  I read this as an ebook, so I will wait until the second on comes out before I purchase them for my shelves at school.  The kids hate, as much as I do, waiting a year for a sequel.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Student Saturday: Trackers – Patrick Carman

Publisher:  Scholastic Press
Pages:  224 Pages
Genre:  Middle Grade, Science Fiction
My student reviewer today is Alex

The book I read was Trackers by Patrick Carman.  There was Adam, a boy who made many inventions and the leader of the trackers.  There was also Lewis, he was a gamer.  He was shy but he always made sure that the rest of the trackers knew the risks.  Also Emily, she made sure everyone was on task without her the rest of the trackers wouldn’t get anything done.  Last of the trackers, but not least, is Finn.  He was the laid back one.  If Finn wasn’t there, everyone would always be stressed.  Two more characters were Zara and Lazlo.  They were the bad guys.  It all started one day when Adam’s dad asked Adam to fix a piece of technology for their family business, Henderson Chip Shop.  He did as his dad asked.  Then the Trackers made a field test.  Adam was looking over the test because he films them and finds that there was someone around when they made the test.  He found the location and saw the person.  The person left something and Adam saw it said, “The Glyphmaster”.  So he looks it up and there is a puzzle he has to solve.  After he solves it, the puzzles keep coming and coming, day after day.  He keeps solving them then he notices he was being watched.  Later he finds two people named Zara and Lazlo.  Will the Trackers ever shake them loose?  What will happen?  Will Adam have to leave his home in Seattle?  You have to read to find out.  I am kind of like Adam because I like to make things.  I would recommend this book to anyone because that’s how great it was.  The book couldn’t have been better.