Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

One Minute After You Die by Erwin W. Lutzer


Genre:  Christian Nonfiction

Source:  I purchased a copy

Fow me this was an inspirational book, a confirmation of what I have known since I was a child. Things I wondered about were made clear. I always wondered about people who said they spoke to their long dead loved ones. I remember asking my mother at such a young age about that, and she said that it was demons pretending to be their loved one.  This book spoke about people who have had near death experiences.  I have no doubt that in some cases they have had a glimpse of something God allowed them to see.  I remember reading an account when I was a teen of a man who said he had died and felt the flames of hell burning his feet. This happened twice and in the end he repented and lived for the Lord.  I have no proof that these things really happened. What I do know for sure, as my mother said for years, one minute after you die you will be in heaven or in hell.

I choose to live my life for the lord.  This is not popular today. I have gotten in trouble several times for answering questions asked of me at school and someone with a differing opinion, or someone who was mad at me said something to those above me. I’ve been in trouble before. If that is what I must endure for God then so be it.  This is a book full of scripture explaining Biblically what we can expect. It is one that I highly recommend.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

America at the Tipping Point - Gary Frazier

Pages:  232
Source:  Borrowed from my mother
Genre:  Christian

"Books abound on the dilemma's facing America. We recognize America is in trouble. However, America at the Tipping Point is a fresh and bold word not only about the economic and political issues but also about the moral choices that have led us to the brink. How did we get here and what can we what Gary Frazier has to say and you will see " Tim LaHaye, Co-author of the Left Behind series "What a sobering reading experience. Dr. Frazier will rock your world and challenge you to make some changes in your world view." Pat Williams, Senior Vice President, Orlando Magic, Author, Extreme Dreams Depend on Team "Gary Frazier writes with passion and conviction and motivates like few people I know to live with a sense of urgency in these turbulent times. Read this book because you will be filled with hope and faith to make a difference in the world." Dr. Jack Graham, Sr. Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church "I have long respected Dr. Gary Frazier's prophetic voice, but his new training book, America at the Tipping Point, captured my attention as a patriot. In a day of white noise rants against our beloved country, many have prematurely trumpeted taps. Dr. Frazier has stepped up to sound reveille and lead us to action." Dr. Jay Strack, President, Student Leadership University Gary Frazier is a respected and recognized speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy and current events. He is a former pastor and has traveled to Israel more than 100 times since 1971. Gary is founder and President of Discovery Ministries located in the Dallas Ft. Worth metro area. Gary holds both a M.A. and a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist University and was honored with a Doctor of Humanities degree from Liberty University. He has appeared on numerous television programs as well as speaking on radio nationwide. Gary and his wife Sandra reside in Arlington, Texas.

My Thoughts:
My mother asked me to read the book before she shipped it to my sister.  I sat and couldn't put it down.  This book looks at the moral decline America is unfortunately in and shows us how it is getting worse and going to continue to do so if we as Christians don't do something to stop it.  This nations was founded on Christian principles and we need to stand up for those principles.  Unfortunately as a teacher in the public school system I see the moral decline.  We teach tolerance and multiculturalism beyond what was originally meant.  We step on the rights of many for the few.  

Gary has done an excellent job of backing up what he says with the Bible and other resources.  He goes to great lengths to give a list of those resources at the back for further investigation.  One of the toughest  areas of his book was the section on abortion.  I can definitely see the parallels of desensitizing our nation to abortion and euthenasia with what Hitler and many others have done.  We give it a different name and put a little make up on it and pass it off as something less harmful.    I think every teen should be forced to read, along with their parents the section in the back on abortions.  If we did so we would maybe have less abortions.

This is definitely an eye opener and one I am glad my mother asked me to read.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Implosion – Joel Rosenberg

Publisher:  Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Pages:  400
Source: I received a free copy of this book for review from Tyndale House Publishers.
Genre:  Christian Living

From Goodreads:
Bestselling author and international political expert Joel C. Rosenberg tackles the question: Is America an empire in decline or a nation poised for a historic Renaissance?America teeters on a precipice. In the midst of financial turmoil, political uncertainty, declining morality, the constant threat of natural disasters, and myriad other daunting challenges, many wonder what the future holds for this once-great nation. Will history's greatest democracy stage a miraculous comeback, returning to the forefront of the world's economic and spiritual stage? Can America's religious past be repeated today with a third Great Awakening? Or will the rise of China, Russia, and other nations, coupled with the US's internal struggles, send her into a decline from which there can be no return? "Implosion" helps readers understand the economic, social, and spiritual challenges facing the United States in the 21st century, through the lens of biblical prophecy
audience, I tend to think that he's right.

My thoughts:

Joel Rosenberg takes a look at current events with a Biblical eye.  He shows us that no matter how dismal the outlook, there is always reason for hope.  He has taken current events and put them into perspective through a prophetic end-times view.  He has four chapters in his book just devoted to what way we may implode as a nation; war/terror, financial ruin, natural disasters, and finally the rapture.  He showed that spirituality is on a roller-coaster.  When things are bad people turn to God and pray and then when things start to get better we kind of shove God to the side.  An example he gave of this in the book was the way the nation turned to God after the events of 9/11.  Just a couple of months later it was like, okay back to the norm.  We read and know the end-time prophecies but seem to sit back and take the attitude that we can’t do anything about it.  I believe God will continue to use us until HE is done with us.  We need to turn back to Christ and cling to him with all we have.  It is just my opinion that everyone should read this book.  It gives us a great look at where we are headed if we don’t wake up.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

First Sunday - Donald and Aura Elton

Publisher:  CreateSpace
Pages:  256
Source:  Review copy from publisher in exchange for review.
Genre:  Religion

The whole week after 9/11 we walked around in shock.  We rode the roller coaster of emotions.  Anger was an extremely hard one to deal with.  Through this book, a collection of sermons from different pastors from different denominations we discover that it is okay to be angry.  It is not okay to sin in our anger.  The pastors struggled just as we did with what to say and how to react.  Yet , on that first Sunday after the attacks they gave us a reason to push forward.  They let us know ad feel like we were not the only ones feeling this way.  They let us know it was okay to feel the emotions we were feeling.  This is an inspiring book that reminds us that we find our strength in God.  This is an uplifting book that needs to be read by everyone.

The book is available at

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist - Charles Massegee

Publisher:  Outskirts press, Inc.
Pages:  452
Source:  I received a copy from the author in exchange for a review
Genre:  Religion

From Goodreads:
Discover the Bible-Based Truth about
the End Times You Can’t Afford to Ignore

These days, more people than ever are looking to the Book of Revelation for answers. The only book of the Bible that Jesus personally signed as author, the Book of Revelation holds the key to understanding our future. But its complex and multilayered meanings are often misunderstood. Now, author and Bible expert Charles Massegee unlocks the secrets of Revelation to expose the life-changing messages you need to know. You’ll learn:

•The 7 secrets to understanding the Book of Revelation
•The most important symbols and definitions that will change everything you thought you knew about the Bible
•Which prophecies in the Book of Revelation have already come true – and what it means for the future
•Why we are now living in the so-called “end times”
•What to expect during the last days and why the coming of Christ is something to celebrate – not fear
•The evidence showing Islam’s connection to the antichrist and the last days
•Much, much more

Appropriate for a Christian scholar or newcomer to Jesus, this accessible book is based on solid scriptural evidence and analysis and skilled insight into today’s news and culture.
My mother has a habit of checking out the books I get in, and removing from my desk any she wants to read.  Often I don’t realize it until I get ready to read it.  This was one of those books.  She kept it hid in her room until she was finished with it. 

My Mother’s Thoughts:
The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist is one of those books that can’t be read in a single sitting.  I  especially enjoyed the fact that everything was backed up with scripture.  A lot of research has  gone into this book.  I agree that we are living n the last days.  Once my daughter has written her review and gives the book back to me I will recommend it to all of my friends and my pastor.  This is a must read for all Christians and those searching.

My Thoughts:
One of my favorite parts of this whole book was something that has puzzled me and fascinated me from the day I first heard it mentioned.    Hi section on what the number 666 means is very clear to me now.  I’d never thought of the 3 sixes as standing for the unholy trinity.  I also liked the explanation that seven is the number of completeness and Satan and the antichrist will never come near that so the number 6 is their number.

My mom was right.  This is definitely one of those books that you must read and study.  I have been fascinated with Revelations since my early years of sitting in church.  I didn’t always understand what was going on, so I sat and read Revelations.  I am a visual person so the pictures I painted in my head were often very literal and confusing.  This book has done what all of my years of study have not been able to do,  explain in a manner I understand, the End Times.

About the author:
Dr. Charles Massegee comes from a long line of God's messengers. At eighteen he was
licensed for the ministry at the Second Baptist Church in Ranger, Texas. A year later he
was ordained at the New Hope Baptist Church in Ranger and was the first pastor of the
East Side Baptist Church in Ranger while a freshman in college. He is a graduate of
Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, and has furthered his education at the
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He leads in over thirty
revivals, crusades and Revelation Bible conferences a year throughout the U.S. 
More information about his ministry is available at

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Awesome Book of Bible Stories for Kids – Sandy Silverthorn

Publisher:  Harvest House
Pages:  144
Source: NetGalley
Genre:  Middle Grade Bible Stories 

Award-winning writer and illustrator Sandy Silverthorne pairs biblical accounts with contemporary technology and culture. The result is a hilarious and informative blend of Bible lessons and modern-day applications. Kids ages 6 to 12 will instantly relate to Bible characters and eternal truths presented from a twenty-first-century kid’s perspective. Stories are introduced with improbable questions that will draw young readers in and stimulate their thinking. For example, what if…

Noah’s ark was a cruise ship?
Gideon vs. the Midianites was replayed as a video game?
Nehemiah’s rebuilding of Jerusalem was featured on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?
These comical illustrations and thoroughly up-to-date retellings of Bible stories will captivate young minds and hearts while maintaining the integrity of the characters and message.

My Thoughts :
I loved this book.   It is a wonderful way of getting kids to think about Bible Stories.   It takes the Bible Story and asks a twisted question to make the reader think.  At the same time it is giving the true story and where to locate it in the Bible.

I read a part of one of the stories to my mother.  She reminded me of a time when I was eighteen and taught Children’s Church with her.  We had this very age group.  I had a ventriloquist puppet who told an introduction to our Bible Story.  My nieces remember a time I was telling the David and Goliath story and “Johnny” called Goliath a basket ball player because of his height.  The kids all knew he was a giant, yet when we talked about him being so tall he could have been the star on the basketball team they “got it”.  I have to say that Sandy Silverthorne has come up with much better stories than I ever did.  This is a book that is a must have for every family.  It is one I plan on putting on my shelves at school.  It is just twisted enough many kids who would not normally read it might pick it up.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Am I Really A Christian - Mike McKinley

Publisher:  Crossway
Pages:  160
Source:  I received a copy from  NetGalley
Genre:  ADULT: Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality: Religion: Christianity

About Am I Really a Christian?
Jesus divided the world into two groups—those who follow him and those who don’t. But what happens when someone thinks he or she is a Christian, but isn’t? With his witty, engaging style, Mike McKinley takes readers on a journey of what it means to be a Christian. He asserts that “manipulative evangelism techniques and a poor understanding of the gospel have resulted in an abundance of professing Christians who have no idea what it means to follow Christ.”
Each chapter title begins with “You’re not a Christian [if/when/just because you]…” As he surveys what it means to be Christian, McKinley offers criteria for evaluating one’s standing before God. Readers are guided through a series of challenges to reflect, repent, remember, and report to another person. Am I Really a Christian? ends with chapters on salvation and the local church. This unique book is written for nominal or new Christians and can be used in personal or small-group study.

My Thoughts:
God knows his own.  Just saying we’re a Christian doesn’t make it so.  God sees “us clearly, we don’t see ourselves clearly.”  I loved to Willy Wonka and how God makes it clear what we have to do to be a Christian.  There are no “hidden clauses.”    He uses many analogies.  “Our life is destroyed by sin, not damaged by it.  He used a rotted closet to represent our sinful lives.  We can’t patch it up.  Christ must replace every bit of the rot with his love and grace,( see page 35).  Just “liking” Jesus doesn’t make us a Christian.
Being a Christian means “changing teams and having new allegiances”, (page 60).  I loved the analogy that many people think of forgiveness like a vaccination you get once that protects you against hell’s fires, while you continue to do what you want to do!” (page 79)

About the Author
MIKE MCKINLEY received his MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary and is the author of several articles and reviews. He served on the pastoral staff of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC, and in 2005 was called to revitalize Guilford Baptist Church in Sterling, Virginia.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Extraordinary Giving - Daniel Evans

Genre:  Inspirational, Christian
Source:  Review copy from author
About the Book:
Ask yourself this question; am I really ready for the new and better, because it will change all that I am accustomed to? If you are ready, then you will have to trust God and be ready to move ahead with Him. The best thing about trusting Him is, He will never leave you behind. He will go with you through whatever you have to endure, because He wants the best for you. Cornelius looked beyond the normal of that day and believed God. A Jew having fellowship with a Gentile, much less entering into his house, was definitely not the norm for that day and time. If God said a Jew would come to him and enter his home, then Cornelius had no problem believing it would happen. Cornelius' praying and giving got him through his challenges to the new and better.
Giving is the heart of God. So crawl up into the Father’s lap, listen to His heart, and you will hear His heart say, ‘give!’ With the right motives, givers will produce givers. Spending time with God in prayer will produce the right motives. He will speak to you and if you are at the point spiritually to know His voice, He will share His will, His character, and His love with you. This will create the right motives in your heart.
 Giving has no limitations. If we take God out of the box, what do you think He could do through us in the form of giving? Our minds limit giving in the same way we limit God. Giving of love, possessions, money, time and mercy, is God in action through man. God is the ultimate giver! Practice extraordinary giving by praying and then listening for God's directions for your giving!
About the Author
Daniel W. Evans and his organization Divine Touch / Daniel Evans Ministries is an international organization that has a campus in Kothapeta, India and has on-going ministry partner efforts in China, Liberia, Kenya, Haiti and Romania. Daniel is the president and founder of Divine Touch and author of several books. The latest of these books are 'Your Guide to 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting' and 'Extraordinary Giving.' His international travels has included crusades to tens of thousands, pastors' conferences, church meetings, revivals and large community events. He is also an associate pastor at his church in the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. Daniel has traveled in many areas of the United States and has worked extensively in the local community through his home church. His anointed preaching and teaching has drawn many to the Father's heart through salvation, healing and revelation. He is a strong advocate of prayer and fasting and helping others in need as the Holy Spirit directs him. He has a series of 14 guides around the subject of prayer and fasting. Daniel is an author, pastor, evangelist, conference and keynote speaker, and a community leader. Since Daniel was called into the ministry in 1982 he has used whatever means the Lord made available to share his knowledge and revelation to the Body of Christ and to the lost. He has also given many extraordinary sermons and teachings over radio in several states and TV in North Carolina. He has thirty-one years of business experience as the founder of a successful family business and twenty-eight years of experience as an evangelist and a pastor. All of these years were shared together which has given him much experience with leadership skills and working with people. Now that Daniel is full-time in ministry he is sharing his leadership experience during his international travels and here in the states. His dynamic and motivational speaking style has attracted many to listen to his powerful sermons, informative teaching and inspirational keynote speaking. He teaches others how they can be enjoying life with purpose.
My Review
Most of us are willing to give to others, especially when we hear of a catastrophe such as an earthquake or tsunami.  How many of us are willing to give when our finances scream we don’t have it?  Giving when God directs us whether we believe the resources are there or not is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us and not public opinion.  This is the way giving should be.  It is stepping out on faith.  I know when my first husband left me and my children we had to start from scratch.  Money was very tight because I was in my last semester of college and working 3 part-time jobs just to survive.  Our church was building a new sanctuary, and doing it the debt free way.  When we had collected enough money for the next phase then we built the next phase.  God was always on time with it.  One Sunday morning God nudged me to go forward with the money I had in my pocket.  It was all that I had for the rest of the month.  If I gave it I wouldn’t have food or money for the rest of my bills.  I sat as long as I could before I had to move.  I went forward and gave my money and prayed that God would take care of us.  That evening as I was putting the kids to bed my phone rang.  The person calling was a member of my church.  They were leaving out of town on an emergency and would be gone until the end of the month.  They had just purchased groceries and didn’t want them to go to waste.  They said they felt God telling them to donate them to me.  This is just one example of how God is good and faithful.  If he was willing to give the ultimate for us how can we refuse him the little he desire of us?
This is a must read.  Daniel is an awesome motivator filled with God’s spirit and doing exactly what God has set forth for him.  Teaching others how to practice Extraordinary Giving. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Waterfall - Lisa Bergren

Publisher: David C. Cook
Pages: 384
Source: Received a copy from publisher
Genre: Young Adult, Adult, Christian Fantasy

Two sisters, Gabi age 17 and Lia age 15 are once again on an archaeological dig with their mother. They have spent almost every summer traipsing around these old digs. Their parents were experts in all things Etruscan. Not that their father is dead their mother feels she must carry on. It is at one of these sites that the girls break the rules. Before it has been checked out and documented Gabi and Lia enter a tomb and discover a set of handprints that fit their own. Once they touch the wall they find themselves thrust back through time to the medieval period. They are separated. GAbi the oldest lands in a tomb in the middle of a battle between the Forelli's and Paratores, two feuding houses. She is taken in by the Forelli's. she becomes a target for the Paratores who have her sister Lia prisoner. Gabi uses her fencing skills to help her use a sword to try to get her sister back. The story is full of historical details and information. The romance between Gabi and Marcello was not too unrealistic. It was not a love at first sight type of romance that we find in too many young adult books. This is also not an in your face religious book. Gabi never really thought about her religious beliefs until she landed back in time. Religion was very important to this time period. It makes her look at and question everything she has ever believed.
Look for Cascade June 1 and Torrent September 1.

Watch the Trailer

Read the prologue and Chapter one at

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bless This Mouse - Lois Lowry

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Pages: 160
Source: Review copy from net-galley
Genre: Middle Grade, Animal, Inspirational

I have always enjoyed the books of Lois Lowry. This was probably one of the best. The little mice felt so human. In this story, Hildegarde is one of many mice who live in the church. She makes it clear the difference between the different mice. She see church mice as being more blessed than field mice. She tries to keep the other mice safe. On one occasion several mice are seen. The priest now knows it is not just one mouse but several mice. He calls for the exterminator. It is up to Hildegarde to prepare the for the the exodus like they had in the Bible days. She knows all about the Bible as she leads the mice in singing the Sunday hymns and learning the scripture. She manages to save them from the Great-X but what will she do to be sure they will always be safe? Read the book and see how "The Feast of Saint Francis" figures in to this wonderful story.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Glimpses of My Friend the King - James Howard

Publisher:  BookSurge
Pages:  98
Source:  Received a copy from publisher for review
Genre:  Christian Fiction, Inspirational

From the back of the book:
"Glimpses of My Friend the King" is a collection of eight short stories intended to show the depth of Jesus Christ's great love for people in a fresh and personal way.  Set in a variety of locations, times, and situations, the person and character of Jesus Christ is revealed in each one to minister, to love, to protect, and to heal.  The reader may discover a greater love an appreciation for Jesus Christ as well as a desire to know Him at a deeper level.  It is intended for readers of all ages.

My Thoughts:
Wow!  This is a book that reaches right down to your soul and touches it.  It consists of eight stories.  Each story shows how Christ is there for us and how much he loves us.  My favorite of all of them had to be the story "The Assassin".  It is the story of a young boy with a father who is abusive.  On his side is a Christian grandmother who prays for him daily.  The story takes you through several stages of Stephen's life and shows you how the demons work to bring us down.  It also shows how Christians in the world pray to keep the demons at bay.  Intercessory prayer strengthens the angels to protect us.  As Stephen struggled with needing to feel loved, the invitation of a young girl to attend church with her, and his grandmother's constant prayer for him I felt an urgency.  I wanted to shout at him, "Don't leave without getting your life straight."  You might not have until Saturday's church service.  Do it know."  I could not put the book down until I read the conclusion to the story.  The book demonstrates how patient God is with us, his stubborn people.  This is not a book to be read and put on the shelves but a book to be read and passed around.  It seems that God brings certain books into my life when they are needed.  This one came after I told a parent that I understood her Christian beliefs and wishes for a daughter and would modify an assignment.  I was then chastised by administration for bringing my own religious beliefs into the situation.  I was feeling the arrows of defeat hitting me.  I see it is getting more and more difficult every day for a Christian to let others know about Christ.  It is on those days that I feel God holding me closer.  I will recommend this book to everyone I know.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Chasm: A Journey to the Edge of LIfe - Randy Alcorn

Publisher:  Multnomah Books (February 8, 2011)
Pages:  128
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher
Genre:  Christian Fiction/Allegory
Read for What's in a Name Challenge
From the Back of the book:


He found himself a traveler in the strangest of lands. Where invisible secrets come starkly into sight. Where the fairest of companions lead the way into unsuspected danger and darkness. Where hidden battles burst into the open.  Where so much is grasped…and so much more seems unattainable.

Driven by a yearning he doesn’t understand, compelled toward a destination he can’t quite see, the traveler navigate the inhospitable landscape with determination and a flicker of something like hope—despite the obstacles that seem to unerringly block his path.

Best-selling novelist Randy Alcorn weaves a supernatural interplay of wills and motives, lusts and longings, love and sacrifice. It’s a potent mix that leaves every reader wondering:  Do I really understand this world I live in? Do I really understand myself? Is there more to all this than I’ve ever dared hope?

Not only did the book contain beautiful illustrations brought the message to life, but the message was made clear in this book.  The main character Nick represents everyone of us ­­­­who walks the earth.  Before me meet Christ we are unaware of the great chasm between us and our Lord.  It is a chasm that we created.  His death to save us was painted in such a way that we can’t help but understand what we must do to bridge the gap.  This book is one we don’t want to hold on to but one we need to pass on to help others who may be like Nick and unclear about how to bridge the gap and knows something is missing but just not sure how to fill that void.  This was an excellent book and one that must be passed on by word of mouth to others.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Life Without LImits - Nick Vujicic

Publisher: Doubleday Religion
Pages: 256

Are you the type who complains when the slightest thing goes wrong? maybe you need to read Life Without Limits. Nick Vujicic has written a book that teaches us not to dwell on our circumstances because we can't control them. He advises we dwell on our reactions to those circumstances because we can control them. There is very little that Nick Can't do. He exhibits such a thirst for life and gives all of the credit to God. So, the next time you think things are going so wrong and you have it so bad then maybe you need to pick up the book and read it.

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Family's Journey Through Prayer - M. Diane Cressman

MD Publishing
90 pages
Source:  Received review copy from author
Genre:  Inspirational

M. Diane Cressman  has written a book that will resonate with many.  She tells of her children being injured and then God miraculously healing them.   She and her family lost jobs, had no food, didn't qualify for assistance and yet God was always there for her.

 I was reminded of an argument I'd had with my former mother-in-law.  She wanted me to bring the kids to her church.  I reminded her that I had my own church and when I had married her son I had been a member there.  She told me that it didn't matter where I went because children of my son's age (4) didn't know anything about Jesus.  I disagreed with her.  The next morning I was sent home from work sick as was my husband.  My son and two nieces were playing in the front yard being watched by their grandma and aunt.  I heard several screams.  A truck had run up in the yard and hit my son.  The ground was hard packed and you could see the tire track up my son's back and off his shoulder.  It wasn't just the mark on his shirt, he had a tire pattern bruise to his back.  I'll never forget he looked at his grandmother and put his hand on her lap and told her it was okay.  Then he asked her, "Didn't you see Jesus at my feet?  He was lifting up the truck."  All the protective tissue was scraped from his nerves in his back and they were smashed into a ball.  We were told that he would slowly lose the ability to walk.  That was 23 years ago and he is in the military.

This is a must read book for everyone.  It is a great reminder of who we serve and what he does for us daily.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Inspirational Zingers Jumbles by Christopher Hudson

Source:  Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy. 

I love doing all kinds of word puzzles.  Inspirational Zingers Jumbles is another one of those puzzle books I can take with me when I am traveling or have a wait at an appointment.  With Inspirational Zingers you get several benefits.  First of all you must unscramble the words.  Once that is done then you need to take the letters that are circle and unscramble them.  This in turn allow you to fill in the missing blank to a quote or scripture.  The puzzle is a lot of fun.  They go from easy to very difficult, there are a variety of puzzles and they are appropriate for young and old alike.  I definitely recommend then to anyone who loves puzzles.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Raven's Ladder by Jeffrey Overstreet

Publisher: Multnomah, 2009
Source: This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.
to learn more about this book or purchase it at click on the following link:

This was difficult for me to get my head around at first because this is the third book in the Aurelia books. I have ordered the first two and plan to read them this next week. However we know that after the fall of House Abascar, Cal-raven the king and his people are hiding out in a series of caves. He sets out to find them a new place to live. He has been pointed toward the north. While he is away it becomes too dangerous to stay in the caves and the people move to House Bel Amica where they are enticed by the luxuries and beauty there. They start to believe the twisted lies of the people of Bel Amica. Why not, the very people deceiving them are the ones who have deceived the queen for so long. They have discovered Aurelia’s colors and are using them to twist their lies into something the people of Abascar will fall for. Cyndere, the daughter of the queen and a young ale boy help the refugees when they feel they have been abandoned. All this time their king Cal-raven is doing his best to keep hold of his own faith as he encounters one problem after another. He too has felt abandoned. The message that permeates this story is one of holding tight to faith when things get difficult and we lose our way. I can’t wait to receive the other books so I can read all three starting with book one. I know that this third book will make more sense to me then.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lady Carliss and the Waters of Moorue - Chuck Black

Publisher:  Multnomah, March 16, 2010
Source:  This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.
to learn more about this book or purchase it at click on the following link:

Lady Carliss and the Waters of Moorue is an excellent young adult novel.  Lady Carliss is a loyal Knight of Arrenthetrae.  She serves the Prince and has made it her life's mission to help establish havens loyal to the Prince.  On her way home from a mission she and Lady Salina stop at Salina's home for a quick visit.  They find her family missing.  As they leave to follow they find Sir Dalton, another knight and a man Lady Carliss has secretly loved, and by whose side she has bravely fought.  She holds her feelings for him close because he is promised to another woman.  While checking out the barn Sir Dalton  saves Lady Carliss' life and is bitten by a strange lizard that can camouflage itself.  At the same time Lady Salina screams that her family has been taken.  Lady Carliss must now try to find help for Dalton and  rescue Lady Salina's family.
The first village they stop in Lady Carliss makes a new friend in a simple-minded man the children are pelting with stones and calling Oaf.  He leads them to an alchemist who might be able to help Sir Dalton.  It is here Lady Carliss has her first major problem.  The antidote can only be found in the city of Moorue, in the swamps to be exact.  No one knows if it is real or myth.  She also must try to find Salina's family who has supposedly been taken to the same city.  She, Lady Salina and her new friend set off for the city of Moorue.  It is here she meets up with friends and  finds out about the work they have secretly been doing for the Prince.  This book is full of twists and turns.  An evil plot develops that will force Lady Carliss to make decisions that may mean death for many, including herself.  How is she to chose who lives and who dies?

Chuck Black has done a wonderful job of bringing Bible truths to light in a way that speaks to teens without sounding preachy.  The fact that this is set in Medieval times will draw a lot of my students in.  My own mother has asked to read the book.  This was the first time I'd read a book by this author.  It will not be my last. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Book Tour: What Matters Most: Diary of a Teenage Girl

Author Melody Carlson
Publisher: Multnomah, 2009
Pages 239
Source: Review copy from publisher for book tour
This book can be purchased from Random House

What is normal? Was my ubringing, my life normal? Howe do we know what normal is? These were questions I asked myself as I read Melody Carlson's book, "What Matters Most". I was disappointed to find out that this was the 6th book in this series and I had not read numbers one through five. Melody Carlson was a new author to me. To that end I must now get books one through five so I can catch up. This book was a great and easy read and although it was part of a series iwas worked well as a stand alone book. My students kept picking it up from my desk and asking if I had finished it yet so they could check it out. It already has a waiting list of 7 readers. Not bad for a group of kids who don't like to read.

May is like so many of my students. She has a rough life and she has had to learn to deal with these issues on her own. Maya's father is the famous musician Nick Stark. Her mother Shannon is in prison. Maya lives with her uncle and has managed to get her GED. Still she has gone back to high school. Now all the counselor wants to know is what grade to put her in. After much praying and soul searching, Maya decides to become a senior.

Maya finds herself with guy troubles. She and dominic are no longer dating. She just wants them to be friends. Her troubles don't end there. Vanessa has targeted her and she doesn't know why until a friend points out to her that Vanessa's ex-boyfriend Wyatt has been making eyes at her. How could she have missed this? She does everything to discourage him. She finally gets everyone together to try to cfreate peace. She invites Dominic to help her by performing during Open Mike. She has written som pieces of music. Her father has tried to discourage her from entering the world of musicl On the night of Open Mike, Chloe and Aliie from the group Redemption hear her sing. They invite her to jam with them. From this moment on Maya's life changes and she is faced with many difficult decisions. She has been invited to join the group and tour with them. This will mean becoming emancipated. This is something she has been working on since her mother landed in prison. Since her mother has just been released and is trying to get back into her life Maya is working harder on her emancipation. Joining Redemption means leaving her friend Melissa who is back home recovering from a terrible auto accident that left her brain damaged. all of this means doing a lot of praying and searching for God's will. After all of her decision making she often wonders if she made the right decision. She constantly asks God to guide her as she makes her way.
This book came at the right time. I found myself looking at the scriptures and looking at the advice given and realizing that it came at just the right time. This is a message of hope and putting all of our faith and trust in God so that we may lead a Christ filled life. I can't wait for it to make the rounds of my students. This is a great book with a great message.

I am so glad that Multnomah gave me the opportunity to participate in this book tour and to read and review such an awesome book. I was introduce to a writer I had never heard of and have found a new author to follow.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Willkinson

Publisher: Multnomah Publishers, 2000
Pages: 93
Source: gift

This book was a gift to me. It takes two verses from the Bible's Old Testament and gives the reader hope. Based on 1Chronicles 4:9-10, it takes a simple prayer and teaches us to ask God to bless us and help us prosper. There are many places in the Bible that show the reader that God wants us to prosper. This is another example of that promise.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Desperate Highway by Jesse Stretch

Desperate Highwasy The True Story of a Criminal was one of the most fascinating books I have every read. This was the story of the very successful businessman, Jeff Andrews. The problem was his success was based on falsehoods. He was a conman extraordinaire. I was fascinated that he was able to commit such crimes and stay on the run as long as he did. At the same time I was repulsed by how calloused he seemed to be at hurting and taking advantage of others. I felt sorry for him when I realized how low he had sunk into booze and drugs. I felt the demon that haunted him. Only someone who has truly dropped so close to hell can descripe the demon the way he has. On the other hand, only someone who has felt God's love reach down and lift him out of Satan's grasp can describe the change that took place in his life. This book was a breath of fresh air. It demonstrated the depths that God would go to to reach someone. If God was willing to reach out and pull someone like Jeff Andrews out of Satan's grasp, he would definately be willing to do the same for anyone else no matter where they are in life. This is a must read for anyone. I believe it would definately be beneficial in prison ministries around the world. May god truly bless Jeff Andrews and the ministry God has laid out before him and may he constantly guide the hand of Jesse Stretch.