Saturday, September 19, 2009

Student Review Saturday

Today's reviewer is Eugene. He loves the Bluford Series and has written a review of the book
"Summer of Secrets" by Paul Langan
The characters are Darcy, her sister, mom, dad, grandma and Hakeem, Cooper and Tarah.
Hakeem will be moving to Detroit because his dad was diagnosed with cancer and can't work to keep up the house payments. Darcy's grandmother is very sick and needs an oxygen machine to live. Cooper offers hakeem a place to stay but Hakeem said no because he had to move to help watch is sisters. I won't tell you anymore of the book. It was really good and you just need to read it. I loved the book. I lived up to my expectations. I expected it to be very good and it was. I would highly recommend this book to any seventh grader. Like Hakeem, I am the oldest of three kids and we like to play with our sisters and take care of them.

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