Saturday, March 5, 2011

Student Saturday: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling

This student review is written by Susan

Harry has had enough of the Dursley's and wishes he could be with Ron and Hermione, his friends.  As he heads back to school where he finds out about a tournament where three people will be champions from three different schools, Harry soon discovers he's a fourth and the youngest.  Harry faces three horrible tasks, friends, and enemies.  Harry learns secrets he must solve.  he soon finds out one very important moment he will not forget.  In some of Harry's situations, I would have relied on my friends help even if it was for support.  I would recommend this book to everyone because it's way better than the movies.  The way it was written is outstanding and I think that everyone would enjoy the book and series.  The book did exceed my expectations very well.  Over all it's very adventurous and humorous at points.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome review, great job Susan!!..Uncle Charlie
