Thursday, April 16, 2009

Secret Keeper

Yesterday we had our usual Wednesday Sustained Silent Reading. I model reading for the students as I read along with them. It gives me the opportunity to read a book each Wednesday. My book choice yesterday was Secret Keeper by Mitali Perkins. Set in the 1970's in India a young girl first finds out how hard life can be when her father must go to America to secure a job because engineering jobs are gone in his area. His wife and two daughters are sent to live with his brother's family. The book gives insight into the customs and culture of those living in India. Asha is the youngest daughter and her father raised her to think on her own. She played tennis and cricket and was quite good. All of that ended when she got her period. She could no longer play the games or go outside. Life became very restricted. When there father dies before sending for them things get worse. Asha finds herself trying to prevent her uncle and grandmother from finding a husband for her sister. When two men ask for her sister she devises plans to get rid of them. She makes several unselfish sacrifices to preserve her family. I could tell you so much more but I think I would ruin the book for you. I recommend this book with all of my heart. It was an excellent read.

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