Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rooms - James L Rubart

Publisher:  B& H Publishing, 2010
Genre:  Mystery
Pages:  400 Pages
Source:  Purchased

Micah Taylor was a successful software developer.  he had spent his life building a life like no other and counting on no one but himself.  All of this changed the day he received a letter from his long deceased  great-uncle Archie.  The letter told him he had inherited a mansion on Cannon Beach.  The reason was so Michah could face his painful past.  A past that turned him away from God and his family.  Michah checked the place out just to ease his mind.  What he found was; a mansion that changed  constantly, the meaning of surrendering alll of yourself, and what true forgiveness is.
I absolutely loved this book.  I believe everyone who erads it will see themselves in Micah's character.  It was well written, the characters were well developed.  The supernatural element reminded me of Robert Liparulo's "Dreamhouse Kings" series.  This is a must read for anyone who loves mysteries.  It definitely won't disappoint.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sandra,

    So glad you liked ROOMS! :)

    Thanks for taking the time to read it.

    Live free,

