Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Pocketful of Hope by Anna Dynowski

Source:  I received an ebook copy for review.
Genre:  Romance

Kerry Heaton a former nun decides to return to her hometown.  She has a flat near Harmony Village.  Harmony's tow truck driver Janek Kaznaski comes to her aid.  There is an immediate attraction between them.  Both of them have reasons of their own for not getting involved with each other.  Sometimes, when God is in control things change.  This was a wonderful book but is not for the reader who wants a feel good book.  It touches on the issues of child molestation which can have an adverse affect on relationships with the child enters adulthood.  However Dynowski handled it beautifully.  Her characters find out that with God forgiveness can happen and healing can begin.  As I read this book I thought back years ago to my divorce.  I wanted revenge for the years of cheating.  It really hampered my relationship with God.  I realized when I let God handle things and began to pray for my ex-husband the healing and forgiveness could begin.  Not only was I able to forgive, but God brought a wonderful man into my life and the life of my children.  All we need is a pocketful of hope and God will do the rest.

After reading this book I visited the authors website.  I was able to read excerpts of her other books.  I can't wait to read them as well.  I am not one who likes mushy, gushy romances and that is why I think I like these.  They aren't all mushy, gushy.  I can't wait to recommend her books to my friends who read romance.

1 comment:

  1. I truly enjoy reading your blog!

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