Monday, January 31, 2011

National Just Read More Novels Month 2011

Okay, so maybe I accidently lied when I said I was only participating in three reading challenges in 2011.  I totally forgot about NaJuReMoNoMo, better known as National Just Read More Novels Month.  I participated last year and I will participate this year.  Go to the FOMA site to get all of the details and a badge.

You can follow them on Facebook or tweet about your books as you finish them on Twitter by using the hashtag #NaJuReMoNoMo.

This was my list of books for this month.  I am trying to read 300 books this year.  This means I need to read approximately 25 books a month.  There are always months that I read more.  Spring Break will soon be upon us and I read more then, and during the summer.  I am still please with all I did read.  We came back from Christmas break and had to hit it hard with the students.  There were a lot of great books here.  Check them out

1.  The Lost Gate - Orson Scott Card
2.  Angry Young Man - Chris Lynch
3.  Cryer's Cross - Lisa McMann
4.  The Chinese Conspiracy - John Mariotti
5.  Secret Saturdays - Torrey Maldonado
6.  Sudden Moves - Kelli Sue Landon
7.  The Chasm - Randy Alcorn
8.  Wither - Lauren DeStefano
9.  Bogus - Karla Oceanak

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