Saturday, April 16, 2011

Student Saturday: The Books of Elsewhere: The Shadows - Jacqueline West

This student review is written by Niraj

When Olive Dunwoody moves into an old house full of paintings, she finds a secret.  She can travel through paintings through a pair of old glasses.  She meets three cats through her journey; Horatio, Leopold, and Harvey.  Horatio protects the main floors and is the guide to get out of a painting.  Leopold protects something in the basement.  Harvey protects the attic from something getting out.  She forms an alliance with Morton a nine year old stubborn boy who was trapped in a painting.  Now she is trying to find out all the house's secrets.  Each one brings her into more danger and closer to the truth and wrapped up in something more older and powerful than Olive.  I would recommend this book to mystery fiction lovers.  This kind of goes with Harry Potter with the talking moving paintings and all.  Thrilling and fun, a book you couldn't put down.

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