Know Thine Enemy – Dr. David Ukiwe
Publisher: XulonPress
Pages: 224
Source: Review copy from publisher
Genre: Bible study on spiritual warfare
Book description from Amazon:
The Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul tells us not to be ignorant of the devices of satan. The word "Ignore" is the root word from which we get the word "Ignorant". However, people have been taught incorrectly or misapplied the teachings they heard about dealing with the kingdom of darkness. Some people think they have to ignore satan and go on with their lives because he has been defeated and wouldn't bother them. The other extreme is those who are kind of paranoid, are too conscious of satanic activity and focus excessively on fighting him as if they were trying to win the war. But the victory has already been won by Jesus, all we are doing is enforcing the victory and maintaining law and order. In this book, Dr David Ukiwe takes you on a journey in scriptures to unravel and expose the tricks of the enemy. He uses bible stories and contemporary illustrations to explain how the kingdom of darkness operates and how to successfully wage spiritual warfare. He shares step by step how The System works, and encourages you to believe that you can overcome the challenges of life. You will learn about: • The mission of the kingdom of darkness. • The enemy's weapons of warfare. • How the enemy influences your choices and decisions. • The benefits of controlling your thoughts and emotions. • How to use "spiritual Intelligence". • How to overcome discouragement. • Satan's inferiority complex. • And much more. This handbook which includes a bible study guide for personal and group study is guaranteed to help you live an overcoming and victorious Christian life if you apply the principles therein.
There are many books out in the world on Spiritual Warfare. Dr. Ukiwe has set out to show us how Satan tries to get at us. He is a very tricky being. He uses our weaknesses, and our flaws against us. He clinches on to our human nature and twists it for his benefit.
What is Time – Gary W. Driver
Publisher: Self
Pages: 156
Source: Review copy from author
From Amazon:
What is time itself? The question of the time of day, week, month, and year is not difficult to ascertain. The great question is not the time of day, but what is time? The answer is within this book! Empirical evidence and time proves God created the universe. Time is the common denominator of the Bible and Science. Time is the key that reveals God in the most modern scientific discoveries in Quantum Mechanics, Physics, Cosmology, and Geology. Driver connects the dots of the bible and science to reveal the picture of time itself and creation. GOD answers such critics as Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins, who declared God is a delusion and not needed in creation. Empirical scientific/biblical evidence contained in this book proves them wrong without the need of faith. While the ‘god particle’ cannot be found, the true and living God speaks now concerning Creation. The mountain of scientific and biblical evidence about the universe outlined in this book totally refutes those assertions and proves the bible is of divine origin. Modern science proves the God’s intelligent design of the bible! “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”-- Albert Einstein “God’s handiwork is everywhere; therefore, saying that God is missing is like traveling around the globe in search of the Earth”. -- What Is Time –Gary Driver. Learn why time is no illusion; we cannot see the present, why we age, what is eternity. Learn where the bible says the universe is finite and earth is at least 230 million years old! Enclosed proof the Big Bang cannot be the start of time and how this affects evolution. Learn how God and Jesus can wholly claim to have created the same universe and much more.
My Thoughts:
I really wanted to like this book based on its subject content. The problem is, I really could not understand a lot of it. I don't understand quantum mechanics and the laws of physicsI believe that God and Science go hand in hand. The scriptures he used throughout only confused what he was trying to say. I very seldom give low reviews, but this is one I could not recommend unless there was a high degree of science knowledge.
About the author:
Gary Driver is Senior Pastor at C C Driver Revival Center in Cleveland, Texas. He has been a biblical
teacher and Pastor for 23 years. He and his wife Shere have five children and seven grand children. He
served as Senior Project Manager for 15 years in the building automation industry.
One thing I really enjoyed about this book was the end of each chapter. Dr. Ukiwe has added questions, a memory verse and something to ponder/think about. It takes the lesson further and makes the reader think about the application to their own life.
This book is great to use alone in your Bible study time or as a group. It is one I will recommend.
About the Author:
Dr. David Ukiwe has been a born again Christian for 20 years. He has taught the principles shared in this book for over 10 years with good results. The applied principles shared in this book heped Dr. David Ukiwe overcome challenges in his life.
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