Monday, January 20, 2014

Doodled Doggy – Jason Sandberg

I had read this book shortly after it was sent to me.  I thought I had reviewed it and came across the review in an old notebook yesterday.  For that I apologize to the author and my readers.  Jason Sandberg is a Fine Artist who not only creates wonderful art but writes wonderful children’s stories. I was first introduced to him when I reviewed his book Candy and the Cankersaur.  The Doodled doggy is the story of what happens when a doodle comes to life.  The illustrator doodles a crazy looking dog on his paper that comes to life.  When he tries to erase it the dog tells him to chase him.  He draws mitts, nets, mazes and many other things to try to stop the doggy.  Want to know what worked?  Read this wonderful book to find out.  My grandson loved having me read this book to him.  More than the story, he loved the pictures and laughed at how the dog escaped the eraser.  His constant remark was “the doggy’s funny”.  I am always on the lookout for wonderful books for my grandchildren.  For we need great books for the younger age to create future readers.  Jason’s books do just that . I will be reading his book The New Crown soon.  He has another one coming out soon that looks equally wonderful.  It is called Baby Julia Feeds the Moon.

You can find Jason, and his artwork at the following places:

You can find his e-books at these places
Amazon        Kobo        iTunes        Barnes and Noble

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