Genre: Adult, Mystery, Science fiction, Adventure, Horror
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my
review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
I can honestly say I’ve never read a book like
this. When Caroline was walking her dog
and he kept reacting strangely every time they got near a brick building I knew
there was something to the building. The
building has been there for years. When Caroline sees her ex-boyfriend coming
down the sidewalk she turns and walks back toward the building. She sees a
door, she had not seen before and opens it. Cody catches up with her and she
ends up stepping back out, but not before she sees something. It seems that a government team had found a
way in years before and disappeared and so they’ve been waiting all this time
for another door to appear. Caroline and her dog are the key. Another thing that was strange, not in a bad
way, but in a unique way was the use of music throughout the book. No I’m not
going to tell you what I mean. I will
tell you to expect all kinds of things. There are so many twists and turns in
this book it will keep you reading from beginning to end. This was the first book I had read by this
author and I was not disappointed.
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