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It has been a while since I wrote a post. We have been in the midst of state testing for the last two weeks. I am also preparing my class for what will be a heartbreak for me. I have four more weeks of school left this year. I've had a wonderful year with some of the best students ever. However, in four weeks I turn my classroom over to a very capable young man. He will finish out my year for me. I will be having surgery and then will spend some time in a rehab facility and then physical therapy throughout the summer. I've been trying to catch up on reviews, prepare my students for the rest of the year and testing. I've had to sprinkle in all those things you must do to prepare yourself, your family and house for when you are away. I realized I had begun to hate my blog as it seemed as if I was always rushing. I had wonderful parents this year that were very supportive. Yet I still felt like I was running behind. I was in the middle of revisions of my latest book and even that got shoved to the side.
I created a summer reading assignment and then gave this blog url for reading suggestions. In this manner I didn't have to create a small reading list when there are so many great books out there. The assignment allows them to pick their own book and this assures parents there is help out there in case they don't know what to suggest for their kids. My principal was concerned about whether they were appropriate for students and how they would find the books. So, I went back and redesigned my blog adding a simpler way for parents and kids to find just right books for them. At the top of the blog there are four new buttons: Children, Middle Grade, Young Adult, and Adult. If they want to find a book by genre then they can look in the sidebar. However, eventually there will be a link from the books listed to their review. I can continually add to the list.
Where I've Been
It was while I was going through the review to find the list of books that I came across a post from 2011 that reminded me why I blogged, where I started and how well I was doing. You can read it here. It made me realize that the reason it began to feel like a job instead of what I wanted it to be in the beginning, was because I was spreading myself so thin that I'd lost site of my reason for the blog. I have done no challenges except asking my students to set a goal. I've had no books to give away at school. Most authors are sending me ebooks. This makes it difficult to put new books on my shelves. Due to medical issues there has been no money for new books. I've not been able to do a school wide challenge as we've had so many new challenges this year.
Where I'm Headed
As I go through the summer preparing for next year I need to think seriously what I want for my blog and for my school. I want to continue my writing. That needs to be first and foremost. I've cut down on the number of reviews I can guarantee. I need to get back on track because I have really loved it so much and hate to think I have let those who follow me down. I hope you will continue to follow as my journey continues to evolve. I'm not sure what that will look like, but as long as I constantly reflect on where I've been and what I've done I am sure I will always keep moving and adapting to changes that come my way.
I hope everything goes well, Sandra. Keep that passion alive.