Saturday, February 25, 2023

Student Saturday: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Student Reviewer: Omar G.
Genre: Adult, Mystery

In the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, I have learned about a boy who was a shepherd. His name is Santiago, and he has been leading his sheep for almost two years looking for water and food. Later on there is a sentence I found interesting. It states “the secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” It’s confusing without the background, but it basically explains to enjoy the big things but not to forget the little things, I think this relates to my life because I always feel as if I can’t enjoy the little things.

This book strongly relates to my life where it talks about how Santiago went on this journey to find treasure but found something greater. But in reality, what’s actually happening is he is heading toward self-discovery learning who he is because of this journey. I think this relates to me because I feel as if this journey I am on, me living will lead me to self-discovery, just like Santiago on his journey. Another thing the book talks about is how when Santiago is presented with a new change he isn’t scared off, but instead sees it as an opportunity to learn from it as he did from his previous experiences. In my life as I grow I will have positive and negative experiences. Regardless I will learn from it and use that to my advantage in the next challenge.

In the book Santiago is presented with many obstacles. Some which almost made him quit his journey. He had a rough moment that almost made him quit but instead he decided to settle down an reevaluate his plans for his journey. This shows he doesn’t let this fear hold him back, but instead pauses to rethink before deciding to quit. This relates to me; for instance I have had my fears and things that have made me quit something I am aiming for, but there are times when I decide to just sit back and think, reflect on what to do.

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