Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Nine Picture Books from Emily Hartmann

Continuing my review of children's picture books.  Here are several by author Emily Hartmann

Cuddle Up: Children's Book about Emotions and Feelings, Valentine's Day by Emily Hartmann

This is a wonderful book. Each animal parent in rhyme tells their child how they will protect them and how much they love them as they tuck them into bed for the night. This is a wonderful story to read at bedtime to your youngest child.

Grateful Hearts by Emily Hartmann

A cute book full of beautiful pictures that show animal families expressing their gratitude for what they have each and every day. Great for bedtime story.

I Feel Worried by Emily Hartmann

This book addresses worry that children feel so often. It addresses so many different things that children fear. They fear the dark. They fear the first time in a new place. They fear performing in front of others. They fear storms. The book also talks about ways to help deal with these fears to make yourself feel better. This is an opportunity for adults to talk with a young child and reassure them. It is also a time to share that adults have some of these fears as well and how they deal with them.

My Bad Mood by Emily Hartmann

This book addresses what children can do when they are in a bad mood. They can take a walk, draw, play music or love on a pet. Each of these activities are things that children love and can do to turn their mood around.

Make Good Choices by Emily Hartmann

This book is all about choosing the right things. Everyone adults and children need to make good choices. They need to choose to be friendly, to forgive, to be kind. We all need to beloving, calm, confident. We need to make good choices to  be healthy through food and exercise, and to be  generous, caring, brave. These are things we face every day, both young and old and it is up to us to teach the younger ones to make good choices.

Snuggle Up, Little Cub by Emily Hartmann

A cute bedtime story that shows different animals, parent and child telling them in a special way how much they love them and they snuggle together for the night.

How Animals Say I Love You by Emily Hartmann

A cute bedtime story where each animal tells their young one how much they love them, and what they will do together, or how they will protect them. The book showcases in rhyme; elephants, giraffes, tigers, hippos, rhinos, lions, zebras, flamingos and koalas.

The Feelings Animals by Emily Hartmann

A cute animal book that talks about emotions, how they make us feel and what we can do to help us with those emotions.

Good Night, Little Farm by Emily Hartmann

A simple and gentle story to read to your youngest at bedtime. The beautifully illustrated pictures along with the simple rhyming of a story well told will definitely lull your little one to sleep. The author has kept it simple using farm animals and their young to prepare them and your child for bedtime. Well done.

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