Genre: Graphic Novel, Children
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
I make my students set reading goals every year. I expect them to read from 11 different genres. I agree to do the same. The one I struggle with is graphic novels. I grew up reading comic books and such so you would think this wouldn't be an issue. The problem is with the content. So often the book is full of wonderful pictures but lacking in words and plot. When you read this graphic novel you will find it has it all. I am looking forward to the next one in this series.
Skimmer is a robot traveling with his human Finn. Earth had been destroyed 1000 years before and people were put in pods and sent out to other planets to survive. Finn wakes up from his pod and meets Finn who tries to explain things to him. I laughed so hard because he was told Earth was destroyed and he went through a list of his possessions to see if they were gone. It sounds like any typical kid they are self-centered. They do find another survivor and that is when things begin to happen. Will Finn learn or cause more trouble? This is a must read book and one I look forward to getting for my grandsons.
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