Saturday, October 5, 2024

Student Saturday: Tales of the Cryptids by Kelly Halls, Rick Spear, and Roxyanne Young


Genre: Children, Science and Nature
Student Reviewer: Dylan H.

“TALES OF THE CRYPTIDS” by Kelly Halls, Rick Spear, and Roxyanne Young is about the authors investigating reports of many different cryptids around the world. Cryptids are animals that come from legends, like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. The book goes into extreme detail about the number of interviews and information that they found out about each and every cryptid mentioned in this book. Most importantly cryptids such as, Hellhounds are legendary dogs that accompany the newly dead into the afterlife, or the New Jersey Devil with the earliest reported sighting was during the American Revolutionary War. Did you know in the mountain ranges of the Himalayas local villagers have reported sightings of the Yeti, also known as abominable snowman, which resembles Bigfoot. Overall, this is an incredibly good book and has so much information about cryptids and the stories that go with them.

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