Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hidden by Olivia Gold


Genre: Middle Grade, Mystery
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review

This is a great middle grade book.

Xander is not happy to begin seventh grade with a flip phone. His parents don’t want him to have anything that might put him in danger. Both of his parents have government jobs that could attract the attention of unsavory people. Xander doesn’t really have any fear of this happening. His life changed in the blink of an eye.  Xander overhears  two men who were posing as dog groomers in his parents office across from his bedroom.  They are obviously looking for something. Xander’s mom ushers the two men out of her house as she and Xander try to clean up the mess they left. When Xander tells his mom what the men were doing and the next thing he knows they are in the witness protection program. Now he has to start school in a new state and try to fit in. This is not something Xander is real good at.  To make matters worse he is enrolled in the “Soda Club”. The members are trying to create a new soda flavor for a competition.

This was a fun book to read. Maybe it is because I teach middle school and see some of their antics each day. The story rang true in so many ways.  If you want to read something that is a fun book with an element of mystery then this is the book for you. Step into the story with Xander where it seems the disasters just keep coming his way.

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