Thursday, January 2, 2025

Saving Vegetable Seeds by GD Kashuba

Genre: Nonfiction, Informational
Source: My husband received a copy.

My husband received a copy in exchange for his review.  He kept reading parts to me and so I had to read it. My husband grows microgreens. We had a garden for a couple of years. My favorite thing from it was tomatoes. Unfortunately they seem to be the raccoon's favorite things as well. I woke up one morning to find they had taken a bite out of each and every one of them. He purchased two greenhouses and so began our journey. He is a beekeeper as well as growing microgreens. He has never been so happy as when he is doing one of those two things.  In the past he has purchased seeds and then for one reason or another they didn't get planted. When he finally got around to them years later they would not grow.  I never knew until reading this book that seeds can have a shelf life. 

The book teaches anyone how to take seeds from their own plants and dry them, save them and use them to grow your own plants.  Since he has started this process I get daily reports on how the plants are going. He purchased a program so he knows exactly when he needs to do what with his plants. He can keep detailed info like the book suggested on everything from when he should plant, when he planted, when he should and does harvest them. He can keep notes on processing the seeds. This book is full of information on different types of plants and their seeds and contains a section in the back with links to other resources you may want to check out. I no longer have to wonder why we don't ever use seeds from our cucumbers or tomatoes. Now we can.

This is an extremely useful book for anyone interested in growing their own food from their own seeds.


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