Sunday, June 28, 2015

Final Three Jerry Eicher Found Reviews

Genre: Amish Romance
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

My Dearest Naomi – Jerry and Tina Eicher

I absolutely love when stories are based on real events.  When younger, Jerry and Tina were separated while he taught in a Mennonite school.  They wrote to each other almost daily.  This story is a set of letters that the two main characters Eugene Mast, an Amish school teacher, and Naomi Miller write to each other. They were engaged to be married.  Eugene finds himself separated from the woman he loves while he teaches at a Mennonite school.  The letters speak of all kind of things, such as the everyday mundane chores.  It doesn’t matter what your loved one is doing. You want to know everything that went on in their day.

If you like reading letters or diaries you will enjoy this book.  If you are looking for a straight up novel then this might not be for you.  I am one who loves diaries and memories written in a series of letters so I really enjoyed this book.  As a teacher I enjoyed reading about Eugene’s experiences teaching.  The book also has some wonderful poetry throughout. We also get a look at some of the differences between the Amish and the Mennonite.  I believe a final reason I enjoyed this book is the same reason I enjoy Amish Romance novels.  There is none of the mushy-gushy things most “romance” novels are made of.  I have never liked them.  They seem fake to me.  To me this simple life through letters shows true love.

My Amish Childhood – Jerry Eicher

I often wondered about Jerry’s life. He was raised Amish, yet he is so unlike so many I have come to know. He lived I an Amish community in Canada. His parents decided to move them to Central America, the country of Honduras.  One thing we learn is that the Amish community in Honduras wasn’t as rigid as a lot of Amish communities.  I have learned by living just a few blocks up the street from an Amish and Mennonite community in Sarasota, that they are nothing like those in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. There were a lot of cultural differences for him to adjust to as well. When I read that his neighbors considered stealing from each other okay, I was reminded of countries like Brazil where cheating is often considered okay in the business world.

Jerry had an issue with stuttering and was bullied for it as well.  I found it quite humorous to find out he got even in many ways and never really got caught.  One thing I really enjoyed were the pictures sprinkled throughout.

Susanna’s Christmas Wish – Jerry Eicher

Life as a newlywed is tough for all newly married people. For Susanna and Herman it is tougher because she married Herman after the one man she truly loved, Matthew,  left the Amish Community.  To make life more difficult she tries to convince both herself and her new husband that they truly do love each other. Then there is the culture clash. Herman’s family doesn’t celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.  Her family had always celebrated on the date the English celebrated. In his culture they celebrate it on the 6th of January. Since they are married he expects her to adapt to his culture since they are now one. She goes to her sister’s house to help with Thanksgiving and learns Matthew has returned. When they go for Thanksgiving he is still there and that creates more stress.  Matthew is stirring up trouble. Herman is so insecure in his marriage and then his mother gets involved.  What is Susanna to do except rely on her faith in God to get her through this touch time, and to save her marriage.  This is a wonderful novella.  It is great no matter what time of year.

deepFreak by Mars Dumont

Genre: Political Thriller, Science Fiction,  Adult
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

This book took me longer than usual to read.  The author has done a fantastic job of creating a technological language that takes a while to get used to.  For this reason I would recommend anyone reading this book continue on when they start feeling frustrated with the language.  Your brain eventually picks it up. You can also go to their website where they have a glossary of the words used in the book.  You can check it out here. An example from the beginning is the title.  I kept wanting to capitalize the first letter, thinking there had been a mistake.  There was no mistake.  We find words like “eyeVids”, “SIMrooms”. I  will say that I have trouble reading science fiction because of the science/technology aspect.  I understood this one quite a bit. This one made me realize that this could actually be our future.  Teens today would probably have no problem getting used to this type of talk or world.

The worlds created by this author are fascinating and scary at the same time.  Teens don’t need to physically go to a party because they can show up virtually.  For me, being older, the idea of having implants in your brain so that you can be wired into the Web is scary. Another scary aspect was the fact that your identity could be completely wiped out as if you never existed.

The story takes another turn when Milan, whose mother is a politician, goes missing during a solar storm. Milan finds himself in “The Other Side”. In this world there isn’t any technology. Things are done the old fashioned way. Milan finds his grandparents in this world. They had disappeared five years earlier.  He will need to make a decision though. With his grandparents and all of his new friends in one world and his old friends an mother in the other world, he will have to decide where he really belongs.

For those people who just need a bit of romance to their stories, this book has that as well. Audrey and Milan’s mother both find romance. However, as you read this book the lines between reality and what is not real begin to blur.  The books begs you to ask yourself if all this technology is for the best.  Remember with technology, you have to have those who police it and we know that those people can take it too far.  We are always talking about “Big Brother”. In a world like this, I’m afraid “Big Brother” would really take over.  Then you must ask yourself the question. Is this really the best life?

Although this book is a science fiction book, the issues it brings up in each of the worlds are real world issues and something this book makes you think about. For me if a book can make me emotional or make me question things in society; mine, the future, or made-up, then the book has successfully done its job.  Well done, Mars Dumont.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Emma Raber's Daughter Series by Jerry Eicher

Katie Opens Her Heart 

This is one of those books that creates such a roller coast of emotions in the reader.  We meet Emma Raber a widow and her daughter Katie.  Emma has withdrawn since the death of her husband. The problem with this is that she is also forcing her daughter to withdraw from society. This causes Katie a lot of pain in so many ways.  She misses out on activities other girls her age participate in.  Her mother squashes all attention paid toward her by the boys.  Katie loves her mother and has always been obedient.  While working at Byler’s store she becomes friends with some of the Mennonite girls.  They invite her to some of their activities and she disobeys her mother and goes with them. Not only is she hanging out with the Mennonites she has a big time crush on Ben Stoll.  No one in her life thinks he is right for her.

Another story line running through this is that of Jesse Mast.  He is a widower with five children.  His oldest daughter Mabel has pretty much stepped into her mother’s shoes. Her dad decides he needs a wife and his kids need a mother.  He asks Emma to marry him and she turns him down.  Ruth Troyer is another widow and is trying to work her way into their lives. Jesse’s children don’t like Emma or Katie.  They’ve heard the talk about how strange they are.

Will Katie switch to the Mennonite faith? Will Jesse find a wife and mother for his kids? Will Emma ever allow herself to love again?  I suggest you read this book to find out.

Katie’s Journey to Love

In this second book in the series Jesse and Emma are married and a new issue has arisen.  While most of the children are beginning to accept Katie and her mom. Mabel, the oldest at age sixteen had taken care of things
including her father, after her mother’s death.  She feels like she is being pushed out.  She is mean and nasty to Katie and Emma.  I hated the things she said and did to Katie and Emma, but I could understand somewhat why she felt the way she did.  Even though Jesse and Emma are discouraging a relationship between Ben and Katie, she is sure they will get married one day.  She is also still going to group activities with her Mennonite friends.  They invite her to go to Europe to study her Amish roots.  She can’t afford it until someone mysteriously pays her way. Katie goes and not only does she learn so much about the Amish in Europe, we are taken on this historic trip.  Jerry has done an excellent job of sharing this historical information with the readers in a way that makes it interesting and not boring. While in Europe Katie learns that Ben has been arrested.  I recommend you read this book to see if this family can find peace in all areas of their lives.

Katie’s Forever Promise

In this final book we find Katie with two boys after her. The first is Ben. He is trying to win her back and seeks her forgiveness.  The other is a man named Norman. This is a problem since Mabel likes Norman as well.  The author showed a side of the Amish that most Amish fiction doesn’t deal with.  We see once again that the Amish face a lot of the same temptations and issues the rest of us face.  We who are not Amish have built this façade for the Amish.  I think we have built it based on the fact that they set themselves apart from the rest of the world, so that must mean they don’t have the same problems.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  
I felt sorry for Ben.  It didn’t matter that he had changed. There were so many in the community that refused to forgive him or believe he had changed.  This irritated me.  When I was a child some of my relatives had an issue with something my dad had done.  It didn’t involve any of them yet they chose to judge him.  Since I was living with my relatives at the time and my parents and sisters were coming for a visit, I was told they didn’t know if they could forgive him for what he had done.  My response to them was, since they weren’t involved in the situation it wasn’t their place to forgive him, that was God’s job.  I wanted to shout this to Ben’s community.  We often forget that God is the one who is in control of ultimate forgiveness.  I liked the way he relied on God to get him through his situation.  Will Katie and Ben get together?  What about Mabel and Norman?  You didn’t really think I was going to tell you everything did you?  You really must read this entire series.

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Genre: Young Adult Realistic Ficiton

Student Reviewer – Elizabeth

I don’t know why, but I really could connect to this book. The whole time I felt bad for Hannah Baker, the girl who killed herself. Suicide. She swallowed pills. Deadly pills. She could take life no more because of school and friends and home. But, before she died she recorded seven cassettes, thirteen tapes (each side approximately) to tell each person (thirteen of them) why they were involved in making her commit suicide. I wouldn’t recommend this to people who like light stories because this is not one.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Surprise Finds After Purging My Office

Most people do Spring Cleaning in the Spring.  I have to wait until I'm out for the summer. I've been working on cleaning up my office.

My office consists of a 4 foot fold out table with various necessities on it (light, portable shelf, writing utensils, basket with paperclips, etc). To the left of my table/desk is a 3 foot space. Against that wall is a bookcase that is approximately 2 feet wide and  6 feet tall.  To the right of my table there is a 4 foot space. Against that wall is another book case that is approximately 4 feet wide by 4 feet tall.  I collect books, notebooks, etc.  I decided when school was out that I would go through my book cases and get rid of what I didn't need.  For books that meant those that everyone in the house had read and couldn't go on my shelves at school.  That process took me two days as I made sure I had also posted reviews for them on my blog.  We took three boxes of books to Goodwill.  One box was from the bookcase in my mother's bedroom.  She also purged her books.

The next item would take me almost a week.  Since I have a massive amount of notebooks of all varieties I had to go through and purge them.  I started with my composition notebooks and then moved on to my spiral notebooks.  I bring home tons of composition notebooks every year.  If students leave them in my room then I cut out the pages they wrote on and bring the rest of them home.  If there are only a few pages (which is what I hope for, because that means they actually used it the way they were supposed to in my class), then I cut the remaining pages out and put them in an envelope style folder.  These make great pages for grand kids or for note taking.

Next comes the spiral notebooks. This will eventually be followed by my binders. Yes I have a collection of them as well, thirteen to be exact.  Some of them have writing courses in them (3). Some of them have arts and craft ideas and patterns. Some have other types of writing, bits and pieces I have collected.  I purge them every year.  If I haven't used the idea or I have the same idea in multiple places I get rid of them.

While going through my spiral notebooks I started finding little gems.  I am really bad about skipping multiple pages to write a book review.  Unfortunately life gets in the way and I forget I wrote it and it goes unpublished.  I found nine unpublished reviews of books by Jerry Eicher.  So I am going to post the first three here today.  I will post three more tomorrow, and the last three on Sunday.    They weren't the only ones I found.  I will be sprinkling them through the next month along with books I continue to read.  I am continuing my reading challenge through the month of July to try to catch up on the books that authors have sent me and I got behind on.  There are other's that are not on the list.  See I also have to purge my email list.  I go through my "Books to Review" Folder and delete books I've reviewed and forgot to delete the email, and then mark down the ones I still need to review. I know my list will grow longer. If you want to see my 'Summer Reading Plans" list just go here.  Without further ado here are my review for today, his Fields of Home Series.

Genre: Adult, Amish Fiction
Source: I received copies from Harvest House to facilitate my reviews. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Missing Your Smile by Jerry Eicher
I've read several books by this author and think he is one of the best Amish Fiction Authors out there. That might be because he was raised Amish. This is why his books ring true.
In this story we have a young Amish girl, Susan Hostetler, who has decided to become English. Her reasons are simple. She was to marry Thomas Stoll, until she caught him kissing her best friend. She runs off to New Jersey where she gets a job working in a bakery and living above it.  She is trying hard to blend both of her worlds.  She is trying to stay true to her faith and the values she has learned growing up Amish, yet blend in with her new English world. She loves working for Laura and her son Robby.  Robby is good at listening to her and she is good for trying to straighten him out.  When a young unmarried pregnant girl named Teresa comes into the bakery, Susan's new life runs into her old life.  Teresa has not had the best home life and she wants her baby to have a chance in life.  To her that means she having her baby adopted by an Amish couple.  Since the only Amish person she knows it Susan, she asks for her help. Susan agrees to help her.  One of the things that irritate me was that Teresa's boyfriend wants nothing to do with her until she gets rid of the baby. I wanted to smack Teresa upside the head and scream at her, do you realize that he is a piece of garbage if he feels this way?  Susan takes Teresa back to Indiana with her.  Even though her parents are kind and caring to Teresa, that doesn't mean the rest of the community will be.  This is a well thought out book.  The conflict is real. You don't have to be Amish to have similar conflicts. The ending makes you pine for the next one in the series.

Following Your Heart

This is the second book in the series. In this book Susan takes Teresa and her son Samuel back home with her where Susan's parents welcome her.  Unfortunately not does.  The Deacon has forbid her to attend the church.  I think this more than anything else ticked me off. You want to bring people to God but you aren't part of our church so find God somewhere else.  That is how I felt about the Deacon.  I found it aggravating that Thomas would be so petty when he can't get Susan to come back to him that he would try to hook Teresa up with an older man who is willing to marry her for cleaning and cooking, not for love.  I did love the fact that the Deacon's son is attracted to Teresa, even though it goes against his dad.  Who and what will win out?  You must read this book and find out.

Where Love Grows
This is the final book in this series. What an excellent way to end the story.  Teresa has found true love and someone to be a Godly father to her son Samuel.  This fulfilled her wish to raise her son Amish.  Susan on the other hand has given Thomas another chance.  Once again he blows it. We learn he was more interested in Susan's father's farm than in Susan.  This turns out okay because Susan is being pursued by another man. The question is will Susan allow herself the luxury of letting someone else into her heart.  This book had another conflict that involved a secret that Susan's father had kept for a long time. No I'm not going to tell you what the secret is or how it is resolved.  I suggest you read this entire series from beginning to end.  Jerry writes realistic characters with realistic problems.  We see that the Amish have some of the same kinds of problems we have.  Often times we set them p on a pedestal and don't really see them as having the same faith based struggles that we do.  However, this is not true.  They struggle just like you and I do. So I highly recommend you read this series and I also recommend you come back tomorrow for another group of books by Jerry Eicher.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Read and Write Series by Darcy Pattison

Genre: Both books are Picture books.
Source:  I received copies to facilitate my reviews. The opinions expressed here are my own.

I Want a Dog: My Opinion Essay 
This is the first book in this series.  In this book the main characters are Dennis and Mellie. They are cousins. This story and finally essay is written by Dennis.  He wants a dog.  His teacher has told him he must have "criteria" for his essay.  As Dennis researches and compares each type of dog he explains which of those characteristics would be best for not only himself, but for his cousin Mellie as well.  When he has finished the research he puts it all together into a formal essay.  The essay is so good that he and his cousin both get a dog that is best suited to each of them.  Dennis gives them each their name.  This book takes you step by step through the process.  I loved the way that they showed a specific breed, a drawing of it and it's characteristics.  Definitely a book I plan to use with my sixth graders.  I prefer to make sure they have the basics and this is a great way to do it.

I Want a Cat: My Opinion Essay
This  is the second book in this series. It follows the same pattern as the first book. In this book Mellie is the narrator and she wants a cat.  She takes us through the same process as her cousin did in the first book.  She researches and then with the criteria she has about the different types of cats and  what parts of their personalities make the the best cat for both her and her cousin Dennis, she is able to narrow it down.  She then writes an opinion essay that identifies the best cat for each of them.  Because she does such an excellent job writing the essay, their parents buy them each a cat.  In this book Mellie gets to name both of them.  Once again this is an excellent example of how to write an opinion essay.   We definitely need more books like this to use in our classroom.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Two Adult Reads

Somebody I Used to Know by David Bell
Genre: Adult, Mystery, Thriller
Source: I received a copy from netgalley for review.

I liked this book. It grabbed me from the very beginning and I finished it in less than three hours. We have the main character Nick who has had a lot of bad situations in his life pertaining to women.  While in college he dates a woman named Marissa.  Just days after breaking up with him she dies in a dorm fire along with her three roommates.  Nick moves on with his life becoming a social worker. Then he marries a woman who has a young son from a previous marriage. Their marriage falls apart and they divorce.  He has bonded with her son and wants to see him.  She has him arrested.  Move to present day and we find him shopping in a grocery store when he sees someone who is almost a dead ringer for his dead college girlfriend Marissa.  She even has the same mannerisms.  When he approaches her in the grocery store and asks if she is related to that family the girl drops her groceries and runs from the store.  The next morning Nick is awakened by the police beating on his door.   The young girl he saw in the grocery store has been murdered in motel and was found with his name and address.  Nick quickly becomes the prime suspect.  He reconnects with friends from college who knew Marissa.  Two of those friends Heather and Laurel tell him things he never knew. Laurel convinces him to hire a lawyer.  She can’t get what is happening to Nick out of her mind and once she latches on to something, she can’t let it go.  The problem is someone somewhere doesn’t want anyone knowing the truth.  Reading this book was like watching an episode of 48 Hours on TV. This could have been ripped from the current headlines.  If you are one who loves mysteries then I definitely recommend this book. It is easy to read, the pacing keeps you turning pages. Definitely one you need to check out.

The Beautiful Daughters by Nicole Baart

Genre: Adult, Contemporary Fiction
Source: I received a copy from netgalley for review.

From the prologue you are sucked into this story.  You know there has been a death.  Adri lives in Africa as a nurse.  She has run away there after her fiancé’s death.  She and her best friend Harper blame themselves for David’s death. The story is told switching from present time to remembrances of her former life before David’s death.    You learn she grew up on the farm next to his mansion and visited there every year, yet she never knew David well until college.  Harper, her best friend in college introduced them to each other. Along with two brothers, they become an inseparable group of five.  Harper has run away to a completely different life.  She finds herself in an extremely abusive situation.  I found it hard to understand how each of them felt like anything bad that happened to them was deserved.  David’s death broke apart the friendship that Harper and Adri had.  When David’s mother dies, Adri receives the call in Africa and learns she is the executor of the estate.  Will going back be healing for Adri and Harper or will it serve to increase the gap that has grown between them?  I love reading books like this.  Where a lot of people will find the back and forth of the present tie and the memories of the past annoying, I find this kind of writing to be very intriguing.  I enjoyed this book because it is about love, friendship and redemption.  I recommend it to those who love reading realistic or contemporary fiction.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Three Different Genre's, Three Great Reads

Since I've been going through physical therapy I find I have plenty of time to read. I read while waiting my turn for the therapist. I read while they are icing my knees down and using a tens unit on me.  When I get home and the effects (pain) from the therapy sets in, and I can't move very well, I read.  If I have early morning therapy, like today, then I get several books read.  I hope you enjoy my eclectic reads for the day.

A Fistful of Collars by Spencer Quinn
Genre:  Adult, Mystery
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

This was an interesting story because it is told from Chet the dog’s point of view. Chet is a police dog. Bernie is his handler or should I say side kick. The two are tasked with watching over movie star Thad Perry during filming in their town. Thad  seems to have a not so glamorous reputation. In addition to this Bernie’s son has scored a role in the movie.  Bernie’s ex-wife can see a future in this, something Bernie is not real happy about, especially when he realizes how talented his son is.

When a dead reporter turns up Bernie and Chet are on the case.  They realize that this murder is connected to a murder in the past.  They also realize that someone is willing to go to a lot of trouble to keep anyone from delving into the past. While you have this great mystery going on; you have Chet’s ability or lack of ability to always understand humans.  This in itself adds the humor that makes this book so wonderful to read.  So if you are looking for something kind of on the light side then I recommend this book to you.  It is a stand-alone novel even though it is part of a series.  

Adobe Gold by Robert C. Mowry
Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

I am one of those people who love historical fiction. Adobe Gold is the first book in the Stone Justice Series. Colonel Tyrone Rafter was sent on an important mission by his friend Abraham Lincoln. While in Mexico looking for an important man. He is captured and imprisoned.  Due to a leg injury and a inept doctor his leg is removed.  He spends seven years in prison until he escapes.  He returns home and learns things have really changed.  He's lost his wife to another man because she believes he is dead. This was enough to change everything. He becomes a very bitter person.  When Lincoln learns he's alive he needs him for another mission.  He is sent back to Mexico to find out if there really is gold in Santa Fe.   I found it ironic that as a professing atheist he is sent back as a minister. While performing the duties of a minister he reads his Bible.  Will this change him from the hardened man he has become?  You really need to read this book to find out.

Chimera by Vaun Murphrey
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
*Parental Warning* There is some sexual content at the beginning of this book.

I have to say right off that I absolutely loved the cover of this book.  It says so much. Once you read the book you will understand what I mean.  At age five Cassandra watched her parents murdered. At age thirteen she is rescued by an uncle she has never known.  While she was held captive she had no one to talk to.  She kept within herself.  That is why I said the cover was so appropriate.  Her uncle takes her to live with them.  The counsel doesn't want her living there because they think she will endanger all of them. She is trained in martial arts and like her family, as a Weaver.  A Weaver is not what you think it is.  Think of a Weaver as someone who is able to use the Internet of the mind. Cassandra has more abilities than the others in the colony.  She also has someone hunting her so she must go into hiding.  This is the first book in the series.  I know there are three others that I've not yet had a chance to read.  Hopefully my schedule will allow it soon.  I believe teens and adults who like science fiction will enjoy this.

Forget Me Knot Release Day Blitz

Forget Me Knot
Forget Me Knot (Royal Reaper 2)
by Ruth Silver
Publisher: Booktrope
Published: June 23, 2015
  Don’t mess with death. When Wynter explores his newly developed dark angel powers, regret soon fills his heart and mind. Saving a soul isn’t what he imagined it to be, and it puts the grim reaper he loves in grave danger. Obligated to take the throne as Queen, Mara must face the truth and unravel secrets she may not be ready to accept. The second book in the Royal Reaper saga takes you on a paranormal fantasy adventure into a world of grim reapers, dark angels, and undead trucidators.
Also available on Barnes & Noble and iBooks


Death crept into the castle. Mara could feel its darkness pressing her down. As she walked to her father's bedchamber, the thought of marrying a man she did not love weighed heavily on her. All the invitations had been sent out months ago. Just as her life was beginning to almost feel normal, her father, King Philip, had fallen ill along with the court of Casmerelda and much of the kingdom. The second wave of the plague violently spread, leaving a trail of death and burning corpses for the living to clean up.
Her father had been bedridden for three days. His fever spiked and his skin glistened. He grew delirious, falling in and out of consciousness. As much as she despised him for what he’d done to her sister’s boyfriend, he was still her father. She didn’t want to be left alone.
“You must marry Astin at once.”
Mara cringed. “I can’t.” Her lips hidden as she wore a piece of ivory cloth against her nose and mouth, the slightest bit of protection from the disease that had taken over the kingdom. “I don’t love him. Please don’t do this to me.”
“Don’t be selfish.” The words struggled to reach his lips. He coughed and heaved, his chest rising and falling quickly as his pulse raced. “I’ll be with your mother soon…”
“You’ll be dead.”
Taking in several deep breaths, he opened his mouth, his words coming out as a whisper. “You will be reigning queen. Mara, you must act the part. Marry Astin and forge an alliance with the country of Morro, for the sake of Casmerelda. Your people need you.”
“I need you,” Mara said, gripping her father’s hand. She frowned, studying the tips of his fingers, a blackened hue lacing his skin.
“You shouldn’t touch me.” He tried to pull away, unsuccessfully. Her grip remained tight, but more significantly, he’d grown weak from the disease ravaging his body.
“I haven’t been infected, and I’ve been at your bedside every night.” Mara ordered the servants to bring more water and rags. It had done little good to break his fever or alleviate the discomfort he must have been experiencing, but it was all she could think of to help.
“Marry Astin.” His words were rough slipping past his lips. He wheezed, trying to speak, but Mara rested a hand upon his chest.
“Don’t.” She didn’t want to have this conversation again.
“For the sake of the kingdom,” he said, pleading with her.
Mara refused to answer. Marrying Astin wasn’t what she wanted. “I have no desire to be queen so young. You will pull through, do you hear me?”
He’d fallen into a deep slumber, unable to answer her.
Ruth Silver
About the Author
Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of the Aberrant trilogy. With a passion for writing and a love of story-telling, Ruth is actively writing two series: Royal Reaper and Orenda. She also writes The Federal Agent Chronicles and Palace Secrets, both of which are adult romance under the name Ravyn Rayne for Blushing Books. Her interests include traveling, reading, and photography. Her favorite vacation destination is Australia. Ruth currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois. 

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Monday, June 22, 2015

If Only by Norma Budden

Genre: Adult Realistic Fiction, Paranormal
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own

"If Only." How many times have we looked back on some aspect of our life and thought those words. After reading this book I realized that I'd heard those very words in my own family. After my husband and I married, our second for each of us, he kept  telling me he felt like he had a kid “out there”.  When he was seventeen his girlfriend got pregnant. They argued.  He went back to her house a week later to work things out and was told his girlfriend had miscarried and they didn’t want him around any more. Fast forward twenty one years. My husband received an email from his former girlfriend’s father stating she had died and they needed to talk.  He immediately called and said, “I have a kid don’t I?”  His daughter contacted him.  She had been told he was dead.  Standing graveside at her mother’s funeral her grandfather told her he knew where her biological father was.  Her first question to her grandfather was “why”.  She wanted to know why they had told her this lie and at the same time kept tabs on his life.  After all, she lived in Illinois and he lived in Florida.   Not more than a month later we saw his aunt at a store. They both had been told the other was dead.  Her next comment was, "I know where your father is." He'd never known his father.  His father had spent his entire life looking for him.  My husband got to meet him and learned he had three sisters and a brother.  I immediately saw the parallels with this book.  I love when art, in this case writing, imitates life.

Norma Budden has created a story with characters that are very believable.    A young girl (Demi)  gets pregnant in high school and then gives the baby up for adoption.  The father of the child (David)  never knows about the baby because she didn’t want to “ruin his life”.

Sixteen years later both Demi and David have married and have families of their own.   Demi starts having premonitions that she needs to find her daughter.  They grow stronger and stronger.  She hasn’t had any luck with the private investigators she has hired so she has to find another way.  The plan she comes up with is to get in touch with David who is now a detective.  This means she has to tell him the secret she kept from him all those years.  This also means she is going to have to tell her husband.  If David accepts the job he is going to have to tell his wife.  

There was a  lot of heartache in this book.   The  parallels between the book and the real life story of so many other people make it believable.  You don’t have to worry  about the paranormal aspect of the book, because it is light and wonderfully handled. The visits come in the form of dreams.  I am hoping there will be at least a sequel to this book.  I’d like to know what happens next to David and Demi.  I’d also like to hear Alexis’ side of the story. What was it like growing up forher.  There is so much more we can learn.  I would also like to know what happens to Alexis and Kevin.  I definitely recommend this book to everyone who loves real life drama with a side of paranormal.