Sunday, January 28, 2018

Snake Island by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre: Middle Grade, Adventure, Mystery
Source: I purchased a copy.

Rod Campbell loves going to his grandfather's farm with his friends to tube down the river. As they float past Snake Island they talk about the different stories they have heard.  It seems to be that every generation of boys needs to spend the night on Snake Island to prove they aren't scared. Few make it the whole night.  Rod and his friends, Mark, Terry and Ken decide before the summer is over they are going to do just that. The trick is they must convince their parents to let them.

Rod's grandfather has offered to pull his boat down to the river  and  to cart their stuff down with his tractor  Before they go Rod hears the island was originally called Hobo Island. He spends days at the library learning all about the hobos, their lifestyle and the island. He has a run in with Mr. Paterson. Everyone around town talks about what a hero he was in the war, and how great he was in high school. Then they talk about how the war changed him.  He warns Ken about the island.  Rod learns that things were buried on the island. He and his friends go to the island with a metal detector and find a silver box with coins and metals. They divide things up.  Then they make final plans to spend the night on the island. They begin by eating with Rod's grandpa and he tells them old scary stories about the island.  Once on the island they set up camp and tell their own ghost stories.  Later on they hear a noise and go to find out what is going on. What they see terrifies them. They see crazy Mr. Paterson bury something in a hole.  They are so scared they leave the island and spend the night back in Rod's grandfather's barn.

A few days later a body is found on the island.  But are things really what they seem? Did the boys witness the killer burying the body?

I absolutely loved this book. It kept me on my toes. I kept wondering what the boys would find on the island. Then I wondered what kind of danger they would find themselves in. One thing about this author's books is that they are not only filled with adventure, but also have some sort of mystery to them. This is a must read book.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Stop the Slip: Reducing Slips, Trips and Falls by Thom Disch

Genre: Non-fiction
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

When I was asked to read and review this book I said yes not because this is a topic I just can’t get enough of. I said yes because my mother who lives with us has had several falls.  Two years ago  she fell  just three days after I got home from a rehab facility where I had been recuperating from double knee replacement.  The root that tripped her was smaller than one-eighth inch in diameter.

According to the author falls are often seen as humorous, until it happens to you. Studies show that there are more falls among the young due to the fact that the older people try to be more careful because of the high risk of injury.

The author also gave excellent advice for reducing the risk of falls and injuries.  Footwear has been one of the major causes of slips. People prefer to look fashionable instead of worrying about safety by wearing shoes that may be less fashionable and yet safer.

The author not only gives us authentic situations in which we can see ourselves and others. He gives tips for preventing some of these slips and falls. Some of them seem common sense. Some of them are things we never think about.  How many people think about the possibility causing them to slip or fall? Very few. We see our pets as our companions. A co-worker of mine fell two days ago, tripped up by her dog. She ended up in the ER.  Some things can be prevented if we pay closer attention when we walk. Several years ago while walking to our school’s office I stepped on the metal surrounding our outdoor mat and flipped my ankle breaking it.  I was in a rush and not paying attention to where I was walking. I actually had a book in my hand. This is distracted walking. It cost me eight week in a wheelchair.

The author has provided several resources to  help you. One of those is a home Audit checklist. This is a valuable book. The information provided could save a life or prevent a fall.  I am recommending this book to everyone because slip and fall is not an older person’s problem. It is an every person problem.

Friday, January 12, 2018

This Property is Condemned by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre:  Middle Grade, Adventure, Mystery
Source:  I purchased a copy

Sam Cooper and his friends Tony and Tom find themselves in a terrible predicament. Riding their bikes down the steepest hill in Harper’s Inlet Sam Cooper realizes he has no breaks. He is riding a bike his father picked up out of the trash for him. Sam is sure that this can’t turn out good in any way. His friends keep telling him to land in the grass and it will be okay. At the bottom of the hill Sam hits the fence and is thrown backward over his friend’s head. This turned out to be extremely good in many ways. As Sam picks himself up he sees a sign that reads, ‘This property condemned”. As always, Sam has to find out more. He learns the old mansion belongs to an elderly lady who lives in the place called Remington Mansion. Her husband had built the house.  Now someone is trying to take it away. Can Sam and his friends save the day again?

This was a very intense read for me. Every time there was some sort of danger I found myself sitting on the edge of my couch, rocking back and forth.  The author does a wonderful job of creating realistic characters, and enough tension to keep you turning page after page.  I can’t speak highly enough about the Sam Cooper Series. I have loved each and every one of the books in the series.  Highly recommended, especially for that reluctant reader in your life.