Saturday, June 8, 2024

Student Saturday: Dead Lake by Darcy Coates


Genre: Adult, Horror, Suspense
Student Reviewer: Franklin G.

Sam, a young artist, got an invitation for her art to be shown at the Heritage Gallery, which was a huge deal for her. But her mom sadly passed away shortly after, so for the next few months, instead of preparing artwork for the gallery, she forgot about it completely until about a week before it was happening. Sam's uncle let her stay in his cabin, which was completely off the grid, and only a few people knew about it. As she was there, she thought she was alone. Her uncle wasn't there, but there was no cell reception, and there wasn't anyone for a few miles. Then she started painting these strange images in her sleep. These images were of a man, and he looked strange, but she slowly realized that the man had been watching her and started to attack her. He would sit and look over the dock and watch her from the woods. These woods had always had disappearances, and it turned out he was the one killing them, and Sam was in grave danger. She had met a ranger from a nearby park and wanted his help, but things went from bad to worse the longer she stayed at the cabin. What happened to Sam and the ranger? Did the strange man kill them? Did Sam's art go to the gallery? 

I loved this book, and I thought it was great. It is a shorter read and Darcy Coates put two other short stories in the back. This story, though was great. I love the action and the mystery, but most of all I like the little horror details in the story. This is a great book if you like mystery combined with horror and action. I would recommend this book to anyone over the age of 10 because this book might be scary for younger readers, but all in all, this was a really good book.

I can't fully relate to the characters in this book but I can say if I was in this situation I would try my hardest to survive.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Student Saturday: Killer Species: Ultimate Attack by Michael P. Spradlin


Genre: Middle Grade Adventure

Student Reviewer:  Elizabeth R.  


      This book is about two scientists named Emmet Doyle and Calvin Geaux that created this killer species but in that time Dr. Catalyst was making a creature called swamp cat to hunt Emmet. But that is most of it with a little twist and turns but you will have to find out for yourself. If I had to recommend this book to someone it would be people that like watching or reading about exotic creatures because this book has other series about creatures that are not even created but fascinating. Overall, I honestly like it, it is remarkably interesting and cool.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Pigs Have Wings by Kathleen Welton

Genre:  Children's Picture Book
Source:  I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Available June 16 on Amazon

My husband would be the first to tell you that I love all things about pigs. I grew up on a farm 
raising pigs. I had a collection ofpig figurines, I have stuffed pigs.  So, when the opportunity to read and review this book came along I was all in.

This is an inspirational book. For any child who loves to do something, but has been told that they can't because of the way they look, walk, talk, etc., this is the book they need to read, or have read to them. 

Miz Peg is a short, chubby pig. she loves to dance and sing. She tries to jump and leap and always falls. She wishes she was like a bird and could  fly high.  Her friends always tell her that pigs can't fly, meaning that because she is short and chubby she can't sing and dance.. While walking in the woods she sees a couple of birds who encourage her. They tell her if she believes hard enough she can do anything. That little bit of belief in herself is all it takes to show her friends that she can sing and dance.  This is a lesson we need to teach all children young and old.  Awesome book that every parent and every teacher should read to their youngest child.