Monday, May 25, 2009

New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Dread Locks

Well I finished the Twilight series this Weekend thanks to the teacher in the classroom nextdoor. My copies have been out all year. I have been unable to have them placed on my shelf since I got them. They hit my check in box and someone would pull them out and ask me to find the card so they could be checked out.
New Moon - Edward has decided to leave Bella for reasons I won't mention. Bella's friendship with Jacob Black blossoms and there is the hint of love between them. Jacob, like Edward now has a secret. No, he is not a vampire.
Eclipse- Bella realizes she loves Jacob but when Edward needs her she blocks the love for Jacob and goes to Edward. her love for him is stronger. Most of this book shows the conflict between Edward and Jacob. Almost to the point of being childish.
Breaking Dawn- Edward and Bella graduate, get married and she gets pregnant. Because she was human when she got pregnant that creates some problems. The baby is born, she becomes a vampire and then a new problem arises with old vampires and ancient vampires. The difference in this book is that the vampires and the werewolves are working together.

I loved reading these books. I felt they were poorly written but had a good story line. I would definately recommend them to my fellow students.

I read the first book Dread Locks in Neal Shusterman's Dark Fusion series. It was strange and different which is why I seem to like his work.
Parker Baer leads the boring life of a rich kid. His parents seem to care more about money and appearances than their kids. Enter Tara into his life. Everyone seems fascinated with her at first. A strange "illness" begins to affect different people at the school. Parker believes that Tara has something to do with it and believes it is his fault. I will let you read the book so that you know what happens. Anything else I would say would give away the ending. Do you believe in myths? Read Dread Locks to see a myth come to life. The next boook in the series is called Red Rider's Hood followed by Duckling Ugly.

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