Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Twelfth Imam by Joel C. Rosenberg

Publisher: Tyndale House, Occtober 19, 2010
Pages:  512
Source:  Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Today's review is actually done by my mother.  She lives with us and read the book before I did.  This is a great situation because I can always discuss things with her.  She volunteered to write this review for several reasons.  The first is that Joel C. Rosenberg is one of her favorite authors.  Second she had never written a review before and wanted to help me out.  To me the third reason was the most precious to me.  Our school has been in an uproar lately due to the unexpected death of one of our teachers to cancer.  Trying to deal with all that this entails, including handling the students and at a time when grades were due took it's toll on me.  I love her very much for doing this for me and in my opinion I believe she needs to write more reviews.  She is a natural.  What follows is her opinion and I agree with it.

The CIA knows a lot that’s going on.  Israel faces threats every day from Iran and other nations who want to destroy them because they are God’s chosen people.  I enjoyed the way the story got the point across in narrative that Russia and Iran is working together to accomplish their goal even though they neither like, or trust each other.  The idea that the story so closely follows current events was wonderful.  I especially like it because it’s based on prophesy that we can see happening every day on the news.  Even though we know that Iran hates Israel and America, we find as in the book that many Muslims can still be reached for Christ.  I would recommend this book to any one who claims Christ as Savior.

1 comment:

  1. Sandra,

    Could you please correct the publisher at the beginning of this blog post? It's not a Thomas Nelson book; it's a Tyndale House Publishers book.

    Thank you,
    Tyndale House Publishers
