Scholastic Press (March 1, 2011)
Pages: 160
Source: Purchased
Genre: Middle Grade Realistic Fiction
From the back of the book:
Chase Masters and His Father are storm runners racing across the country in pursuit of hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Anywhere bad weather strikes, they are not far behind. Chase is learning more on the road than he ever would just sitting in a classroom. But when the hurricane of the century hits, he will be tested in ways he never could have imagined.
My Review:
Roland Smith definitely has a winner with this book. Of course that is just my opinion. Chase is a very likable character. He has lost his mother and sister. We don't find out how until later in the book. This loss has definitely caused some tension between chase and his father. But life as he knew it the day his father was struck by lightning. Now they and their friend Tomas chase storms across the country. That is how Chase ends up in Florida. A hurricane is headed their way and his father wants to help prepare people and then be there to help them clean up. But weather is a difficult thing to predict. When the category five hurricane changes directions and Chase and a couple of classmates are caught in the mess he will need everything he has to survive. Since I live in Florida and have gone through several hurricanes I really connected with this book. It shows kids that they have the ability to make a difference no matter how small it may seem. The book ends with a big cliff hanger and I will eagerly await the sequel "Surge" which I believe will be out around August.
It is a great book!