Thursday, September 13, 2012


So you are probably scratching your head wondering if I dropped this blog.  I know, I know, I usually write at least once or twice a week when I am super busy.  So, you are probably wondering what happened?  School did.  I took on the added position of Testing Coordinator at my school this year.  Since the kids returned August 20th, we have given three district tests with one more to go next week.  I've had to miss half days of school for training.  I have close to 150 students this year and they have been steadily turning in essays and that lovely Summer Reading Project.  The other testing coordinator and I staved off major upheaval by agreeing to take on the responsibility of grading the ENTIRE school's District Writes Essays.  That would be 600+ essays.  What I figured would be "not too hard" a job has turned at times into a nightmare.  I know I'm not the only teacher who is so compulsive that I always separate the tests and answer sheets and alphabetize them to make the testing coordinator's job easier.  I know I am not the only teacher to follow the testing directions when it comes to taking attendance, returning said tests (in a timely fashion) and above all else, pulling out the tests of those students who were absent for make-ups.  Yes that is some of the idiotic things I've found testing coordinators must go through.  My cohort and I have been staying anywhere from 1-3 hours after school for this and coming in 1 - 1 1/2 hours early for this.

Now you would think when I get home that I would be free.  NOT!   Most evening when I get home my grand kids are there and my granddaughter asks me to help her with her homework.  After that it is grade until I can't keep my eyes open.  So what about reading?  Great question.  I have three books I am currently reading and not getting very far.  I am reading S.W. Lothian's  The Golden Scarab, Max Anderson's When the Lights Go Out, and Oliver Neubert's last book in The Wind of Life Series: Vita.

I am lucky.  I am one of those people who can read two plus books at the same time and keep them straight.  My problem is time.  We are helping my daughter out since she has become a single parent.  My husband babysits making sure to get the granddaughter off to school each morning and picking her up.  He takes care of the grandson each day.  Because my daughter works for Publix she doesn't have a Monday - Friday job so weekends we usually have the kids.  There has been little down time for reading.  My granddaughter reads to me now.  My two year old grandson Occasionally lets me read to him.  So have the reviews gone away?  Not at all.  I am happy to announce that starting this Saturday my Student Saturday reviews will begin and I have several reviews for next week.

Thanks for hanging in there with me while I tried to get the beginning of this new school year underway.  By the way, if you are looking for a great book to read, we are reading Loser by Jerry Spinelli in class.  We will be reading The One and Only Ivan beginning October 1.  So stay in touch.  I haven't gone anywhere.  I had a slight bump in my road.

So tell me,  how your school year has been so far?  It is different for teachers, parents and grandparents.  So come on and tell me how yours has been so far.

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