Monday, June 17, 2013

At Drake’s Command – David Wesley Hill

Publisher: Temurlone Presss
Pages:  424
Source:  I received a review copy in exchange for my honest review
Genre:  Adult, Historical Fiction

My Thoughts:
For those of you who love historical fiction this just might be the book for you.  David Wesley Hill has created a character that is very believable.  Young Perry James is found at the beginning of the book tied to a whipping post, preparing to be whipped for a crime of which he was innocent.  He convinces Sir Francis Drake to take him onboard as a cooks helper.  From this point on the adventures for young Perry grow.  As the adventures grow we see him mature and grow.  The use of metaphors helps paint a picture that uses all of the senses to bring the reader along for the ride.  I believe this was most important as the book would be difficult to understand if you did not have a vast nautical vocabulary.  The writing was so artfully done that I, a landlubber, was able to picture this vast ship.  I could feel the breezes blowing through my hair and feel myself being tossed as the ship’s sails billowed pulling the ship forward.  The adventure of the travel keeps you on the edge of the seat waiting to see what would happen next.  For this reason I was please to realize there is a second book coming.  All I can say at this point is let the adventure continue.

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