Source: I received a copy in exchange for my honest review.
Of all the people who ever
lived, surely Judas Iscariot, history’s most notorious betrayer, must be in
hell. Or maybe not.After watching the crucifixion of Jesus, Judas despairs over what he has done and fumes that the Messiah he put his trust in has turned out to be just another pretender like all the rest. The toxic mix of emotions is too much for him to bear and Judas commits suicide by hanging himself.
He is restored to life by the Devil and made into a vampire apostle. The Devil teaches Judas to manipulate men and history. He becomes a king, a general, a teacher and a blacksmith, whatever is needed to effect the outcome of history and move it towards the goal of his new master.
Each time he is ready to move on to his next incarnation he must drink the blood of an innocent victim to be restored to his youthful vigor. But despite his many powers and abilities Judas knows there is one thing he desires and cannot have. Finally Judas meets a laicized priest, Raymond Breviary, and tries to steal from him what he was denied two thousand years before.
was definitely different from what I am used to reading. After Judas hangs himself,
the devil brings him back to life. To stop the burning and torment from hell he
is told he must drink the blood of a human.
This gives him power. Satan takes him from that time period and through
many more to present day. He uses Judas to bring down those loyal to Christ.
Judas is fueled on because he believes Jesus betrayed him by allowing himself
to be crucified. However, you must read this book to see if Judas gets what he
actively seeks for years. This is one of those books that as you read it you
can’t stop. It has a great twisted ending.About the Author:
David B. Vermont began writing when he was asked to author a series of articles explaining the Catholic faith on the popular blog 52 Prayers. He now writes regularly about his faith as the leader of an online Bible study group. The Last Confession of Judas Iscariot is his first foray into fiction.
He is also an attorney and accomplished litigator. He has a wife and four children and lives in Fairfax, VA.
You can visit his website here.
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