Thursday, November 20, 2014

Interview with Kelly Hess

Interview with Kelly Hess

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m about as boring as they come. J I live in Vacaville, CA (A shopping destination along I-80 between Sacramento and San Francisco) with my wife and twelve-year-old son. My favorite flavor ice cream is Vanilla, and I can typically be found wearing ratty jeans and a tee-shirt. All that creativity that is obviously lacking from my wardrobe and diet, I hope is being channeled into my writing.

  1. What was it like writing this book and how long did it take you?
I very much enjoyed writing this book and it went quite quickly - a couple of months. I was really excited to go back into BlackMyst and see where things might lead after the first book. Certainly, it took an unexpected direction!

  1. Where did the idea come from?
Although I think I tied up Eyes of the Enemy pretty well as a stand-alone novel, I left (intentionally or not) one giant loose end that needed exploring, and that was Fritz being in possession of the mysterious green dagger. So I just let my imagination run.

  1. What are the most challenging and the most rewarding aspects of writing?
Developing a plot that really drives the story and excites the reader is always a challenge. Likewise, when I finally do link up the chain of events, it’s a lot of fun.

  1. Do you listen to music when you write?
No. I’ve found that I write best in as quiet and non-distracting an environment as possible.

  1. Where did the title come from?
The Green Dagger. Not my most creative moment. J But the dagger is at the very center of the plot, so I can’t think of what else I would have titled it. Maybe, “Fritz’s Big Adventure”?

  1. What or who inspires you to write?
My son. I started writing for him. I wanted to create something that I thought he’d enjoy. He really liked what I wrote and from there, things just kind of snowballed.

  1. Do you have any habits when you write?
Quiet. If I can be alone in the house when I’m writing, that’s always best for me.

  1. What is something surprising or shocking about you that most people don’t know?
I suffered a brain aneurysm several years back that limited my ability to use my left side. All three books of my BlackMyst Trilogy were typed using only my right hand. This hasn’t really been too much of a problem since I couldn’t type worth a damn to begin with.

  1. What was your favorite part about writing the book?
Finishing it! Seriously, there are few feelings better that completing a book.

  1. What are you currently working on?
I’m writing on another YA fantasy. Not as much magic as in BlackMyst, but hopefully just as magical.

  1. In your opinion, what makes a book good or bad?
Story, Plot, Characters (Not necessarily in that order).
If a writer can make me care about what’s happening in a book; make me care about the characters, I’ll read to the last page. If, as a reader, I don’t care what happens next, what’s the point?

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