Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: I received a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.
These are two separate books. The verbage is the same in each one. One is for boys and one is for girls.
In these two books we find Nanook and Naloo venturing back to Ziron where they are met by their Ziron Friends. They have been waiting for them. They have a surprise to share. A new Ziron is about to be born. It seems that Zirons come from materal plats. They play with the new Ziron teaching it to speak. Suddenly they can no longer find Pafoo the new Ziron. Come along and see if you can figure out where the new Ziron is.
Diary of an Awkward Kid 1: Amanda Gets Bullied by Bolaji O.
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: Purchased
Every day Bug teases Amanda. He calls her shorty and other names. Amanda hates it. She tries to get even with him. But, what happens when she sees Bug being bullied for a physical defect he has.? Will she stand up for him or let him get what's coming to him? This is a wonderful book to teach children about bullying and about true friendship.
Harry and the Hot Lava by Chris Robertson
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source Purchased
Harry takes us on an adventure through his house as it fills with hot lava. We travel with him until he jumps into his mom's armas and we learn his imagination is a large as his fathers. This is a really cute book. I loved the kid's imagination. We need more kids to use their imagination
Over in the Hollow by Rebecca Dickinson
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: Purchased
This is a very unique counting book. We have spiders and mummies, owls, vampires, and bats, witches and other monsters. This would have been great for Halloween. It is a very cute book. It is a fun way to teach children to count.
Drem Big Little Pig by Kristi Yamaguchi
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: Purchased
Poppy is a pig with big dreams. She wants to be a star. She tries ballet, singing and modeling. Her family and friends encourage her. They believe in her. She fails miserably i most of teh things she tries. One day she wathes skaters skating. Will she fail at this too? Kristi has created a positive book that teaches children to go after their dreas. This is a great message for all kids.
The Reluctant Witch by Sally O. Lee
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review
This is a great book to read at Halloween. A town gets all excited about Halloween. They love everything about it, jack-o-lanterns, costumes, the goodies. But, their favorite part is Francis the Witch. Halloween is not Halloween until she flies across the sky and declares it is Halloween. There is a problem. Francis wants to be a princess and wear a crown. Will Halloween come to town this year? I have loved all of Sally O. Lee's books. They are bright and colorful and always have a simple message.
Billy and Monster's Golden Christmas by David Chuka
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review.
This is another wonderful book by another of my favorite children's book authors. In this book we join Billy as he prepares to Celebrate Christmas. This year everyone is coming to his house. They open presents, eat wonderful food then they play games. It reminded me of my childhood. Everyone came to our farm. After lunch was over we would sit around the table and play games. Billy's Uncle Bob, who is from England always brings him a special gift. This year Billy watches his cousin open a present with a wonderful monster truck while he is given a golden pen. He is definitely not thankful for it. What will happen when he joins a monster family for their humble Christmas? A wonderful book to remind us why we celebrate.
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