Melissa Sarno of “This Too” blog site is a writer. The one thing I really enjoyed is her pictures. They are warm and inviting. Maybe it is because the one and only time I have been to New York my husband and I spent a lot of time looking at old buildings and architecture. Her blog brought back those warm memories. She is a writer who seems to be stretching herself like me in the sense that she writes books for several different audiences. I wish her the best of luck. Go over and check out her site and the blogs she has been visiting.
Jennifer “From the Mixed Up Files” is a reviewer of children’s books. Reading her bio she is a writer, yet I still don’t know if she has anything published. Her sidebar had some wonderful links to other awesome writer spots. This is well worth checking out.
Meg at “A Piece of Evidence” has a very unique reading system. She challenges herself each year to read a particular genre. The first year she chose YA this year she has chosen Business Titles. For years all I read was YA. I’m not sure I could be so dedicated to one genre. I like them all. She says she is a newbie so go on over and check her out. If nothing else check out her links to “Melt”.
When you open "W.M. Morrell’s Musings from Down Under" you are greeted with an awesome picture of Waitomo Caves in her header. Her post today dealt with the recent tragedy in Haiti. I left the following comment on her site.
Our school has set up a fund raiser for aid to Haiti to be announced next week. Twenty-six of our students have family in Haiti. Of the twenty-six only two know for sure their family is safe. For three of these kids they have mothers, brothers and sisters still there, safety unknown. The rest of them has extended family, aunts and uncles, etc. I am the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher at my school and at least 7 of those students are mine. One little girl was watching the news on the computer at school in my classroom because her father disconnected his television. He couldn't deal with watching it. All of her relatives live in Port au Prince. As she explained what was going on in some of the news scenes my classmates from other countries asked questions of her and reached out to her. I noticed one boy who usually can't get along with this girl going the extra mile to help her. I asked him why the change of heart and he said, “because earthquakes happen in Mexico too and it could be my family”. That is love for fellow man in action. I have seen many blogs directing others to sites where they can give to help Haiti. Please check out this site. It is beautifully and tastefully handled.
Do you need a little inspiration or pep talk when it comes to your writing? Check out Tess Hilmo’s blog. I started reading her posts. She has some great info, great advice and most importantly when we feel down about our own writing her blog can pick us up. I watched the trailer for her middle grade novel “With a Name Like Love”. It is murder mystery. I can’t wait until it is published. It sounds like a book I definitely want on my shelves at school.
I am so happy to be participating in this Comment Challenge. I have found some wonderful new sites. What has interested me more than the sites that review books is the sites about writing. I had no idea there were that many out there. All that I have come across have been very beneficial to me.
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