Showing posts with label Adult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adult. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2024

A Place of Refuge by Marlayne Giron


Genre: Adult, Christian Fiction
Source: I purchased a copy.

I loved this sequel to Second Chance Inn.  I have known a few Amish people who were shunned by family and friends because they chose a different path.  I know this is a part of their faith, but I always wondered how they would feel if God shunned them because they did something he didn’t agree with.

Rachel is having a tough time. She is fresh home from the hospital and is really unable to do much. She came back to a disaster. Dishes have been piling up in the sink.  Laundry is sky high. It really isn’t because her daughter just didn’t care. It is because her daughter was trying to help keep the farm running and trying to keep things running smoothly in the Inn.  All Rachel can do is pray that God will provide.  He does just that when Emma shows up. She has been shunned by her family, her car has broken down. She has no money and doesn’t know what to do. Lucky for her she broke down near  “The Second Chance Inn”. She wonders if God is giving her a second chance.  Emma contacts three of her friends, Like Emma they don’t fit into the Amish or the English world. These young men are also give a place to stay and food for the night.

Rachel awakes from a dream and asks God for confirmation, so she will know his will, and she gets it. It becomes clear that the Inn is to be a place of refuge for those like the young kids she has just taken in. She and Samuel had the same dream. The burden is lightened with the help of the three young men and Emma.

There is so much more in this book.  The characters are well developed. Whether you are a Christian or not you will enjoy this book. The author has created characters who have real trials like we do. She doesn’t put them in a fake Amish world where everything just turns up roses. What she does is shows what happens when the two worlds collide. She has shown realistic issues that show up and take them on a rollercoaster ride. She shows that our faith can get us through even the most terrible of trials.  This is a must read. If you have not read her first book, “Second Chance Inn.” You really must read it.  I am looking forward to the next book in this series. I really need to see what happens and how God answers their prayers.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Ghostly Grounds: Murder and Breakfast by Sophie Love


Genre: Adult, Mystery
Source: Purchased

Marie Fortune is nothing like her name.  In just a few short hours, she quit her job, got rid of her two-timing boyfriend and received a call from police that they had found your great-aunt June dead in her house. Fortune had nothing to do with her day.  June packs a bag and head up to Point Bliss. Her one hope at that time is that whoever ends up with her aunt’s house will let her have one last walk through. At her great-aunt’s funeral a lawyer approaches her. He hands her three envelopes. The first one informs her that she is the new oner of her aunt’s house. The second one informs her that her aunt left her a surprise. The surprise ends up being a dog named Boo. The third envelop contains the keys to the house. 

After spending a night in the house Marie decided to make her childhood dream a reality. She will turn her grandmother’s house into a bed and breakfast. The first customer she has booked arrives only to realize they booked the wrong place. The second call she gets is someone looking for a place in the area because of a job he has.  Brendan Peck is a paranormal investigator. He is investigating a nearby  lighthouse.  On a tour of the bed and breakfast he is videotaping a couple of areas and finds what seems to be a ghostly appearance. Overly eager, he posts the video to Twitter and it goes viral.  The calls start pouring in. This includes a call from Alfred Ryker. He is known around the world for debunking paranormal activities. After filming all night he comes down and informs Marie he has proof to debunk the ghost in her place.  Later that day he is murdered. Who would kill him and why?

This book was absolutely awesome. So much so I bought the rest of the series to read. It was a great murder mystery. There were some ghostly elements along the way. I loved her dog Boo. He has an important role in this book.  It kept me guessing all the way through. I literally sat and read in in three hours.  So good. I love when I find a new to me author and can recommend them to others.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Ocean’s Justice by Demelza Carlton


Genre: Adult Romance

A ship finds a woman naked and floating on a raft. How did she get there? Who is she?  The one love of her life is dead, and now she is aboard another ship. She can't speak their language. She is able to tell them her name is Maria.  Some consider it unlucky to have a woman on board. Some want something more from her.

This story follows along as the men all lust after her, and one falls in love with her, and she with him. This is a story that builds and builds. It is full of learning, love, and catastrophe.

The world building is great. The time period is wonderful. The only problem I have is the explanation of the sexual act. I am a grown woman and really have no desire to read the details of a sex act. The storyline was wonderful, even with this one unnecessary scene.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Student Saturday: This Made Me Think of You by Emily Bird


Genre: Adult, Poetry
Student Reviewer:  Sophia T

"This Made Me Think of You" by Emily Bird is a poetry book about love. I enjoyed reading this poetry book because it had deep meaning. This poem describes love with words using a double meaning, creating a more interesting word choice. I believe this book was significant to express the connotation of love. I would recommend this book to people who like poems and/or love genre.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Cursed by Casey Odell

Genre: Adult, Fantasy
Source: I received a copy from BookBub. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Claire lives a fairly boring life. Her mother owns a Tavern. Her job is simple; stay behind the bar, wash the dishes and clean up.  One night after Claire has gone to bed she is awoken by her mother. Her mother helps her dress quickly and ushers her out of their house. Their town is ablaze. Then the real terror begins. Clare sees the Centaurs who are determined to destroy the people of her town. Her mother runs with her through the fields. She gives her a dagger and tells her to run into the forbidden forest, known as the Cursed Forest. This is where her journey begins. Found by an Elf, she had no idea existed she is taken to the palace and presented to the King.  She discovers a mark on her hand and arm that begins to glow blue. From here she is forced into a mission With two Elves, Aeron and Farron. What do they want with her and where are they going?

This book was full of twists and turns. Claire doesn’t know who to trust and it seems her companions don’t either.  The world building is awesome. Each city they visit is described in a way that you can imagine it in your mind. The hint of magic that runs throughout the story lends an element that keeps you reading.  The ending was one I had not seen coming.  I can’t wait to read the other three books in this series. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Her One Mistake by Heidi Perks


Genre: Adult Suspense/Thriller
Source: I purchased a copy

This was an excellent story. I started it last night and got up early this morning to finish it. The story is told from two points of view, Charlotte and Harriet; and from two time periods “then” and “Now”
The “Now” time period takes place in a police station and the “Then” takes place before the events that led them to the police station. This was one talented author to be able to write this way and keep it so organized I never felt confused.

Charlotte is the mother of three children and Harriet is the mother of one. They have been best friends since before Harriet had Alice. One day Harriet asks Charlotte to watch Alice while she takes an accounting class. She has never let Alice out of her sight. Charlotte is more than happy to watch Alice. She takes them to their school’s fair. She sits with her youngest daughter while her two older children go on the “Jungle Run” bouncy house with Alice, only two of them come off. They look everywhere for her then call the police. Everyone is wondering how you can go to the fair with four children and only return with your own three.

Things are not necessarily what people think. Charlotte feels guilty about losing her best friends child. At the same time a young boy who had gone missing a year before,  his body has just been found. This makes Charlotte feel even more guilty. What if the same monster who took this young boy took Alice?

As Angela, the officer liaison assigned to Harriet and Brian spends more time with them, she notices things are not what they appear. Harriet doesn’t want to see or speak with her best friend Charlotte. Brian has become convinced that his wife is becoming forgetful and in danger of hurting herself. What is really going on and who took little Alice? Most importantly, will they ever find her?

This was one of those books that you hate to put down. However, I knew I had to sleep so I could actually finish the book. I didn’t predict the outcome. This author does a great job of leading you where they want you to go and then says, wait here is a clue you need to follow this way. I was tense all the way through the reading. As I read this I thought of three cases where I knew the missing child or the family. In two of those cases their child was found murdered and in the other case the child, thirty-six years later, still has not been found. I manned phones taking down information and clues for one of those cases. I know the feeling of watching parents like this go through this terror. I think that was why I was so drawn into this storyline. I know it kept me on the edge of my seat. If you want a story that will keep you rooted to your seat from beginning to end, then this is the book for you.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Student Saturday: Dead Lake by Darcy Coates


Genre: Adult, Horror, Suspense
Student Reviewer: Franklin G.

Sam, a young artist, got an invitation for her art to be shown at the Heritage Gallery, which was a huge deal for her. But her mom sadly passed away shortly after, so for the next few months, instead of preparing artwork for the gallery, she forgot about it completely until about a week before it was happening. Sam's uncle let her stay in his cabin, which was completely off the grid, and only a few people knew about it. As she was there, she thought she was alone. Her uncle wasn't there, but there was no cell reception, and there wasn't anyone for a few miles. Then she started painting these strange images in her sleep. These images were of a man, and he looked strange, but she slowly realized that the man had been watching her and started to attack her. He would sit and look over the dock and watch her from the woods. These woods had always had disappearances, and it turned out he was the one killing them, and Sam was in grave danger. She had met a ranger from a nearby park and wanted his help, but things went from bad to worse the longer she stayed at the cabin. What happened to Sam and the ranger? Did the strange man kill them? Did Sam's art go to the gallery? 

I loved this book, and I thought it was great. It is a shorter read and Darcy Coates put two other short stories in the back. This story, though was great. I love the action and the mystery, but most of all I like the little horror details in the story. This is a great book if you like mystery combined with horror and action. I would recommend this book to anyone over the age of 10 because this book might be scary for younger readers, but all in all, this was a really good book.

I can't fully relate to the characters in this book but I can say if I was in this situation I would try my hardest to survive.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Little Boy Lost by Urcelia Teixeira


Genre: Adult, Christian, Suspense
Source: This was a free download to introduce the author's work

This novella will keep you on the edge of your seat.  All Michael Tanner wants is to see his son Archie. The problem is his ex-wife has not shown up for the second week in a row.  Living in this small town brings another problem for Michael. As the person in charge of safety at the fish manufacturing plant, he is blamed for an explosion that took the lives of several hundred people, including his wife's father and brother. Injured in the explosion with no memory of it his wife leaves him.  Now it seems she has left town with their son.  He goes to her house, even though there is a restraining order against him and discovers she has moved.  He knows he can't trust anyone in this town so he goes to the next town over. The sheriff believes him even when he is told that Michael has some major mental issues.  But how deep and sister will things get?

This was a great book that was not overly religious. We have characters that demonstrate their faith  through prayer. We have a believable main character that comes across as genuine and believable. Then we have Sheriff Hutchinson who give you that vibe that there is more to him than meets the eye and you'd better watch out for him.  The tension was perfect for this novella. Can't wait to get into the restt of her books.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

40 Lives in 40 Days by John MacArthur

Genre: Christian, Inspirational, Informational

Source: I purchased a copy

The author takes us on a trip through the lives of forty different Biblical people. He starts with some of the disciples and continues to other important people. I found his description of Thomas, also known as “Doubting Thomas” funny. He said that Thomas was a worrier. It was pointed out that he was so connected to Christ that he would rather die with him than be apart from him. The author compared him to “Eeyore” from the “Winnie the Pooh” book.  He speaks of Abraham’s wife Sarah as an example of what happens when we try to take matters into our own hands. It never works out right.  Rahab is an example of how God reaches down to the lowest of the low.  I was surprised by how many women he spoke about. This is a wonderful book that can be applied to all of our lives.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Student Saturday: The Art of War by Sun Tzu


Genre: Adult, Nonfiction, History, Leadership
Student Reviewer: Zachary M.

The Art of War is one of the most influential books in the world. It has helped many a general achieve a decisive victory that changed the tide of the battle against all odds. Its author, Sun Tzu, was allegedly a Chinese general and strategist who lived in between the years 771 and 256 BCE. While he is credited as the author of the Art of War, there is little proof of him participating in any battle or even existing. But none of this is as important as the contents of the texts, as the knowledge and wisdom found within it are rich and true.

The Art of War is not just about how to strategize in battle, but about how to be a proper leader and solve problems in general. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to be better at leading others and organizing, and anyone simply looking for something intellectual or philosophical to read. One personal connection I have with the book is that I use it to help me lead student run organizations like TSA (Technology Student Association). Overall, this book is a phenomenal read and I personally insist on getting a copy that has a commentator making notes about everything Sun Tzu says because they often share relevant quotes and anecdotes that further enhance your understanding of what the enigmatic text is really trying to say.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Son of the Sea by Andrew E. Kaufman

Genre: Adult, Realistic Fiction
Source: I purchased a copy

Let me start off by saying, "wow!"  This was such an emotional rollercoaster ride for me.  The author has developed the character's so well that anyone can identify with them. His main character Griffin is carrying around a lot of baggage. We see Griffin and his father together at a fair. They are celebrating his birthday, while his mom and twin sister are out celebrating hers.  We are shown a loving father who loves his son, until the mother dies.  This father, a lawyer by day, becomes a monster by night, spewing his anger our on his son. Fast forward many years and we see grown up Griffin. He works out and runs to excess when he is stressed, which seems to be all the time. The woman he loves tries to help but has her own baggage. All of his actions are pushing her away. Then the unthinkable happens. Griffin is in an accident and the person who hit him is his estranged father. Old feelings return and threaten to destroy him. Griffin learns his father has Alzheimer's.  You will just have to read the book to find out what happens.  The turmoil in his life is one so many go through. Whether you have been through anything like this or not it puts fresh eyes on relationships and I would recommend it to everyone.


Friday, November 24, 2023

Second Chance Inn by Marlayne Giron


Genre: Adult, Amish Fiction

Source: I received an advance reading copy. The opinions expressed here are my own.

I usually read this author’s books in one to two days. However, I have been sick for almost a month. I had finished the first half of the book and got sick again. I am glad I was finally able to finish it. My husband said he knew how sick I was when I didn’t even feel like reading. I am sorry it took so long to finish this wonderful book.

Marlayne Giron is a very talented writer. In Second Chance Inn we meet Rachel Wilson and her daughter Karen. It is obvious from the start that they don’t get along and Rachel isn’t sure how to make it work. After her husband dies Rachel and her daughter move to Pennsylvania. She has bought a farmhouse belonging to an Amish widower. The idea is to turn it into a bed and breakfast so everyone who stays can have a full Amish experience. The only difference is there will be electricity and inside bathrooms.

Samuel Miller has sold the farm to Rachel after losing his family. He stays on to work with the animals and continue to be a part of his Amish community, even if he has had a falling out with God. We see the way God uses both adults to help the other heal. We see a teenager who lived in the world of social media and immediate gratification embrace the Amish lifestyle and turn from being an angry teen to very pleasant young lady. We see Karen’s attitude toward her mother completely change.  It is obvious that God is in the details here. Marlayne has obviously done a lot of research into the Amish lifestyle. Her characters are well developed and her setting puts you right in the middle of the story. I hope Marlayne continues to write in this genre. She is natural at it. I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Student Saturday: Remember World War II: Kids Who Survived Tell Their Stories by Dorinda Nicholson


Student Reviewer: Nikita K.
Genre: Non-Fiction

History is a key part of understanding the world and how things have come to be in the world we live in now.

World War Two (WWII) was a terrible time for many people around the world, but is part of our history nonetheless and therefore should be talked about and taught about. Remember World War II by Dorinda Nicholson does just that by going through first-hand accounts of the horrors of this tragic event. These accounts varied from little kids in affected regions and overall youthful children to were affected by this wartime.

Fred Losch, a kid from East Prussia, Germany, recalls a band or group of people called the "Jungvolk", and how he joined at 10 years of age. Fred talked about how he overcame some hikes that were challenging, along with a bike trip. This was until that bike trip was interrupted because the roads were overrun with military vehicles, and he was told to return home immediately. He knew something was up, and a few days after, the war began. Another person also recalled being outside sweeping the street with her straw broom, until she heard the marching of what sounded like hundreds of soldiers. She ran back inside and yelled, "Mother, they're here. The Nazis are here!" This is when Germany began their conquest of Europe, beginning with Poland and school children were forced to learn how to salute with their right arm and say "Heil Hitler!".

 This worldwide event was terrifying, and many people were forced to pick sides or hide. Some people picked the Nazi's side, while others picked the war-torn and affected countries that were being attacked by the tyranny of Hitler. Many people hid, as to not be found and torn away from their families, and that's what I would try to do in that situation. It wouldn't be good to pick a side as one half of the warring countries would see you as an enemy, and attempt to take you away from everything that you love. In my opinion, it would be wise to stack up on supplies and try to wait out the war.

Overall, this book is great at telling the story of World War Two. It is reliable and interesting to read about what people experienced during this time as it used accounts of a wide variety of individuals, both from inside of Germany and out. It is truly a great read and recommended to anyone who is trying to find some information on World War Two and or history in general.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Awakening Avery - Laurie Lewis


Genre:  Adult, Romance

Source: I received a copy from Bookfunnel. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Grief is different for everyone. For the main character in this book, it is obvious that she is stuck.  She is a famous author who can’t seem to move forward because she is still grieving the loss of her husband a year before.  Her grown children are worried for her. As she tries to move forward she finds herself swapping houses with a gentleman who knows all too well what grief is like. He had to raise his daughters on his own after he lost his wife. I loved this for many reasons. I live in Sarasota, Florida and was familiar with many of the places in the book.  This was not a mushy, gushy romance. I hate those. Instead we find two people dealing with the loss of their spouses. They are also dealing with grown children who always think they know best. I loved how Gabriel changed. He realized that all he had done by raising his daughters on his own was spoil them. When he decides to swap houses with Avery it means kicking his daughters out of the house as well, where they will need to learn to stand on their own two feet. This is a great book, with a great message and one I recommend.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Bouquet of Wisdom: Reflections From the Garden by Deanna Nowadnick


Genre: Christian, Devotions
Source: I received a copy from the author to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

This is one of those books you don't just read; you interact with it. Through personal stories that connect with certain types of flowers, she tells us what they symbolize to her. It goes much further than that. She connects it to scripture and the teachings of the Bible. I made so many connections to her stories.  One thing that made this book so special was the three questions she asks at the end of each chapter. The first question is usually in reference to the story she wrote, asking you about a time something similar happened in the reader's life.  The second and third questions usually connect to the message, scripture, and faith.  After reading through this book the first time, I have started reading it again using the questions to journal responses. Through journaling, I have learned so much more about my faith and my personal walk with God. This book also made me think back on times when flowers influenced areas of my life. This is a book that makes us take a look at our lives and our walk with God.  Highly recommended.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Shelve Under C: A Tale of Used Books and Cats by Jenny Kalahar


Genre:  Middle Grade, Young Adult, Adult, Realistic Fiction
Source:  I own a copy

This is a wonderful book. I love cats and books and thought, why not.?  Mr. and Mr. O'Malley own and run a used bookstore. They buy and sell used books. With no children of their own they welcome orphaned cats into their bookstore. These aren't just any cat's. They work with the local animal shelter and foster cats where they would have a great chance of interacting with the public and then become adopted. This bookstore has two cats ready for adoption. Stomper who reminded me in personality of Garfield.  He was grumpy, wanted to be left alone and learned how to steal food from the small fridge inn the front room.  Buglit is the most recent addition. She had belonged to an older lady who had passed away. She hated the shelter. When brought to the shelter, she felt a connection to Mrs. O'Malley. Both cats have their own personality.  There are a variety of humans who play a big part in this book as well. You have the man who owns the music store down the street. There is young Kris who loves spending time in the bookstore. His love of books is obvious. It seems to go beyond the normal love of reading. He and Mr. O'Malley become very close. Like Buglit and Stomper he is a foster kid. Read this book to see how the three of them, Stomper, Buglit, and Stomper help each other through the ups and downs of everyday life.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

You'll Get Through This by Max Lucado


Genre: Christian, Inspirational
Source: Purchased

I read this book at a point where I truly needed it.  Max Lucado took the story of Joseph, sold into slavery by his brothers and shows us how Joseph kept hope during the most turbulent and trying times of his life. He breaks the story down into major points and shows us how Joseph's attitude toward God and his faith is what got him through it all. This doesn't mean that Joseph never got depressed, angry, or felt despair. Those are all human emotions, and he was human. However, he chose not to stay in those emotions. I recently went through a trial in my life. A friend gave me scripture. Then another friend mentioned several songs she had heard and told me to look at the lyrics because she thought of me when she heard it. Then I opened one of the sites that makes book recommendations to me and there was Max's book.  The minute I started listening to the lyrics, stepping out of the way to let God take control, I felt relief. Like Joseph I chose not to let my situation define me. I chose to let God show me how he would work it to his good. Sometimes that good is to be worked only in our own life.  I had reached a slump and needed this lesson. I love how god puts things in our path when we need it.  Definitely a must read.

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Hills be Shaken by Michael Stewart


Genre: Adult, Thriller
Source: Purchased

I loved this book so much I read it twice.  Mose as an engineer reminded me of author Del Shannon. He not only writes books but he is an engineer, specifically dams.  I loved the character Mose. I loved he kept saying, "I'm just an engineer." The fact he was able to take the info he had and use the knowledge from his career to help him was so spot on. I think something else I really like was that there was so much you could learn about engineering from reading this story. For a lot of people who read this, it may not have mattered at all. I love a book that has just enough info to teach me as well as having a plot so tight to keep me reading non-stop.  this is the first time in a long time that I have actually read a book through twice, back to back. I was able to picture the town.  Lots of twists and turns. I never expected the ending.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel


Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction
Source: I own a copy

    During World War II Eva Abrams and her family live in France. She was born there, but her parents came from Poland. Eva, on her home one day is stopped by a friend and warned she and her family need to get out of France.  Over dinner she tells her parents. Her mom believes that things will change because the Jews have done nothing to the Germans. Her father tries  to tell her that fliers have been placed under their door for a couple of weeks and that it is possibly a ploy by the Germans.  After her mom has retired to  her bed, Eva’s father joins her in the library. He makes her promise him that if something happens to him and her mother that she will get out. He has already paid for fake papers. She promises. She and her mother are watching the children of a neighbor who had to take care of her sick mother. The irony is the mother can’t stand them because they are Jews.  She hears a knock down the hall and watches as her father is arrested by the Nazis. She finds herself in a position where the man her father paid has not completed the job because he fears what will happen to him and his family if he is caught helping the Jews. He reminds Eva that her father told her one day her artistic talents would help her. He convinces her that she can complete the forgery of the documents.  She is determined and does just that. She and her mother escape. She finds herself in a position to help children using her talents.

    This is the fictional story of forgers who helped people by forging documents for them. The author tells a compelling story that you can’t put down. Your emotions are so high you feel as if you have been transported back in time and are working alongside Eva.  This is a must read for people who love to read about World War II. I loved the fact that I learned something new from reading this fictional book.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Student Saturday: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Student Reviewer: Omar G.
Genre: Adult, Mystery

In the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, I have learned about a boy who was a shepherd. His name is Santiago, and he has been leading his sheep for almost two years looking for water and food. Later on there is a sentence I found interesting. It states “the secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” It’s confusing without the background, but it basically explains to enjoy the big things but not to forget the little things, I think this relates to my life because I always feel as if I can’t enjoy the little things.

This book strongly relates to my life where it talks about how Santiago went on this journey to find treasure but found something greater. But in reality, what’s actually happening is he is heading toward self-discovery learning who he is because of this journey. I think this relates to me because I feel as if this journey I am on, me living will lead me to self-discovery, just like Santiago on his journey. Another thing the book talks about is how when Santiago is presented with a new change he isn’t scared off, but instead sees it as an opportunity to learn from it as he did from his previous experiences. In my life as I grow I will have positive and negative experiences. Regardless I will learn from it and use that to my advantage in the next challenge.

In the book Santiago is presented with many obstacles. Some which almost made him quit his journey. He had a rough moment that almost made him quit but instead he decided to settle down an reevaluate his plans for his journey. This shows he doesn’t let this fear hold him back, but instead pauses to rethink before deciding to quit. This relates to me; for instance I have had my fears and things that have made me quit something I am aiming for, but there are times when I decide to just sit back and think, reflect on what to do.