Friday, January 5, 2018

Shadow of the Fat Man by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre: Adventure
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Kurt is trying to earn money to buy a car by the time he reaches high school. He helps out Mr. Weaver at his hardware store. Mr. Weaver isn’t real fond of Kurt’s friends Riley and Jordan. They don’t seem to be as motivated as Kurt is.  Mr. Weaver needs the boys to clean his basement. They need to organize it and take inventory. The basement is shared with the restaurant next door. When the boys don’t finish by closing time, Mr. Weaver locks up. He tells Kurt to make sure he locks up and sets the alarm when he leaves.  Kurt can’t wait to show his friends the secret room he found while cleaning.  While in the basement they hear voices and realize it is coming from the restaurant. They over hear a crime being planned.  It seems once again trouble has found Kurt. How do you stop a crime when you don’t know when, where, or how it is going to happen, and you can’t even describe the criminals.  I really loved this one.  I kept holding my breath because the action is so strong in this one.   I really enjoy all of his books because they have not only the adventure aspect, but, some sort of mystery to them.  Once again I have to say this is a great book.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Danger Mountain by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre: Adventure
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

After the adventure at camp, Kurt’s father decides to take him with him on business to Colorado. The idea is that Kurt will stay with his cousin. That way he surely can’t get into any trouble. His father guesses wrong. When Kurt his cousin and two others witness  something they shouldn’t while on a hike in the mountains, things turn deadly. They have men chasing them, there are wild animals and the only way to escape is to climb higher.  The twist on this one was absolutely wonderful.  There is so much packed into these small books. I learned so much about hiking in the mountains just from reading the book.  Because it is non-stop action I have several reluctant readers I believe this will  interest.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Summer Camp Trouble by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre: Adventure, Middle Grade, Mystery
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Kurt and his friends can’t wait to go to summer camp. It is a Christian based camp. When a spoiled rich kid flies into camp in his father’ s helicopter, Kurt and his friends pray the kid doesn’t end up in their tribe. They see right away that Rudy is going to be trouble. He has suitcases full of candy to buy anything he wants. No matter what happens, or what havoc Rudy causes, Kurt is determined to be nice to him. When a fire starts, the question that the counselors asked one night becomes very real. “Would you be willing to lay down your life for another?”   The action never stops in these books.  I felt sorry for Kurt’s parents. It seems like no matter what he does, trouble just seems to find him.