Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Cat Burglars by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre: Middle Grade, Adventure, Mystery
Source: I purchased a copy

Like all of Max Elliot Anderson's books, this one kept me reading from beginning to end. Kurt and his two best friends Jordan and Riley are spending the summer working for Riley's father at the Bed and Biscuit, a kennel.  Some of their clients leave their cats there daily. The Kitty daycare has brought business in. Riley's father is increasing the space in his kennels and is having a Christmas in July for his clients.  There is a problem.  Several people in the neighborhood have returned from vacations to find their homes have been burgled. Unfortunately most of those people had housed their pet at the Bed and Biscuit.  Is there a connection?  Kurt thinks there is.  But what can he and his friends do to catch the burglars and save the "Bed and Biscuit"?

One of the things I enjoy about these books is that even though there are several books in this series they all read like stand alone books.  The mysteries are simple enough with enough twists and turns that even though I think I have it figured out I haven't. These are high interest for those who might not think they like to read.  Looking forward to reading several more of these.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Ghosts in the Old Attic by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre: Middle Grade, Adventure, Mystery
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Sam Cooper’s parents are moving the family to Louisiana. They want to open and bed and breakfast. Until they can find the perfect house, they are staying with his cousins Scooter and Shelley.  Louisiana is known for its ghosts and pirates.  Sam’s cousin loves telling Sam many stories. He even takes him to what he deems a haunted house.  When Sam hears strange noises and sees strange sights he can’t explain he’s ready to leave.  Scooter wants to go back.  As luck would have it, Sam’s parents find a house they can afford with the charm they want. Yep, you guessed it. It is the old historic mansion that Sam’s cousin believes is haunted.  If it isn’t haunted, then why would someone be trying to keep them out of the house?  Loved all the twists and turns in this book.  The twist at the end was wonderful.    I have read several of the Sam Cooper series and have several on my school shelves. I highly recommend not only these books, but all of this author’s books. It is always a pleasure to read and review them.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Shadow of the Fat Man by Max Elliot Anderson

Genre: Adventure
Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Kurt is trying to earn money to buy a car by the time he reaches high school. He helps out Mr. Weaver at his hardware store. Mr. Weaver isn’t real fond of Kurt’s friends Riley and Jordan. They don’t seem to be as motivated as Kurt is.  Mr. Weaver needs the boys to clean his basement. They need to organize it and take inventory. The basement is shared with the restaurant next door. When the boys don’t finish by closing time, Mr. Weaver locks up. He tells Kurt to make sure he locks up and sets the alarm when he leaves.  Kurt can’t wait to show his friends the secret room he found while cleaning.  While in the basement they hear voices and realize it is coming from the restaurant. They over hear a crime being planned.  It seems once again trouble has found Kurt. How do you stop a crime when you don’t know when, where, or how it is going to happen, and you can’t even describe the criminals.  I really loved this one.  I kept holding my breath because the action is so strong in this one.   I really enjoy all of his books because they have not only the adventure aspect, but, some sort of mystery to them.  Once again I have to say this is a great book.