Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Three Books by Michael Gordon

Genre:  Children's Picture Book
Source:  I received a copy from the author

Michael Gordon has written a book using a dinosaur to represent every child who has ever gone through times when they are grumpy. Parents who read this with their young child can ask the question, "What is Sonny doing wrong?"  This opens the floor for gentle conversations about appropriate behavior.  In addition to a great story line you have wonderful pictures to round it out.

Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: I received a copy from the author

When Josh wakes up grumpy one morning, he and his family become detectives to find out what has put Josh in such a grumpy mood. This book lets kids know it is okay to be grumpy once in a while. It also shows them ways to figure out what caused them to be grumpy so they can try to fix it.

Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: I purchased a copy

Jamie doesn't like getting ready for bed and he tells his mother this. She tells him a story about different animals and how they all prepare for bed and why it is important. A simple and cute book that will make getting ready for bedtime much easier for the youngest one.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Chirp by Kate Messner

Genre:  Middle Grade, Realistic Fiction
Source:  Purchased

I absolutely loved this book. Mia and her family move to Vermont to be near and help her grandmother who had recently had a stroke. When they arrive her mother is determined to help her grandmother slip into retirement. Mia's grandmother has other plans. She has a cricket farm that she plans to expand.  Unfortunately, someone seems to be sabotaging her crickets.
Mia, a former gymnast, has been told she must join two different day camps. She makes friends, finds a way to help her grandmother, and most importantly finds herself, and her courage to speak up.  This is a book that is so important for middle school students. Middle grade years are when students are learning who they are. It is also one of the most vulnerable times for them. So many are taken advantage of at this age and some get lost and never find themselves. In Mia's case she finds her voice and the courage to help someone else.  This is an absolute must read.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Watch Hollow: The Alchemist's Shadow by Gregory Funaro

Gregory Funaro’s first book “Watch Hollow” was a book that had my students lining up to read it. It was full of everything a middle school student loves in a book. It had characters they could identify with and a mystery to be solved. When I told them that I had an advance reader’s copy of the next book "Watch Hollow: The Alchemist's Shadow" they wanted to know if I would be buying it. I will most definitely be buying it.  This is a creepy mystery that kept the action going.
The Tinker family managed to keep away the great evil and set the house right. We all know that it would be boring if things didn’t go south again. This happens when Agatha and Algeron, along with their governess show up claiming they are the heirs to the house.  Of course, you need to expect whenever something or someone strange shows up, there is going to be something that will create chaos in Blackford House once again. A new evil has created a labyrinth along with a minotaur.
The children must work together to solve this mystery, get the governess back and take care of the evil. This is a daunting task, but they will receive help from the wooden animals of the clock. I am really loving this author’s work. I am probably the biggest lover of mysteries and this one has all the elements that I love.  I am hoping there is a third book on its way. This is a must-read series.