Saturday, February 26, 2022

What Waits in the Woods by Kieran Scott

Source: I own a copy
Genre: Middle Grade, Realistic Fiction, Mystery

Oh, My Gosh!  I thought the book, "What Waits in the Water" was good. This put a whole new spin on stalkers and mental illness. I truly didn't see what was coming straight at me. The story builds up in layers. All the way through I kept thinking, so ____ is the killer, only to find out I was wrong. The story starts very uniquely. You have someone in a mental facility telling you the doctor keeps asking them "why". They believe the answer is very obvious. So you don't know the gender of the person in the mental facility which is why I didn't see their identity coming at me. Everyone was suspect.  You have three girls going on a camping trip. Callie is new to the group and trying to push herself out of her comfort zone. The other two, Lissa and Penelope have been best friends for a long time. Then you have Jeremy, Callie's boyfriend who has tagged along.  This makes Lissa's boyfriend Zach upset. He decided to prank them and show up anyway. Then there is Ted, someone they just met who tells them he will lead them to his cabin where they can call their parents. Someone in this group is lying. When the first person is killed, the others must try to figure out who it is before they all lose their lives.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Adventures With Scarlet and Twinkle by Janice Ford

Source: I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

Genre: Children's Book

This author has once again given us five wonderful little stories to share with our young loved ones.

A Little Girl and Her Doll

Scarlett received a stuffed elephant as a Christmas gift one year. Now she and Twinkle play together every day. One day while climbing the ladder to their treehouse Twinkle slips. Scarlet rushes down to help her friend. They discover Twinkle’s skirt has gotten dirty. Scarlett knows what to do, it is mom to the rescue.

Scarlet Loses Twinkle

Sometimes making a choice can be difficult. Scarlet and Twinkle get permission to go to the park one day. Twinkle reminds Scarlet that the next day is mom’s birthday. They decide to pick some berries for mom and surprise her with them the next day. After picking berries Scarlet has to leave Twinkles in the park so she can carry the berries and hide them. Unfortunately she has to go to bed without Twinkles. When she wakes up the next morning Twinkles is in the kitchen with mom. Mom knew that Twinkles had been left in the park and went to get her and bring her safely back home. Leaving Twinkles behind had been the hardest choice Scarlet had ever made.

Feeling Scared

School is the one place Scarlet can’t take Twinkles. When her teacher announces they all must participate in the school play Scarlet is scared. She explains her fear to her mother, who promises to help her memorize her lines. She tells Twinkles who explains how speaking in front of others is just like one of the adventures they have. She learns it is okay to be afraid and that sometimes you have to face your fears.

Helping a Friend Out

Scarlet was play with Twinkle when she noticed a rip in her shoulder. She took Twinkle to the house where her dad quickly fixed Twinkle right up. As she went outside she saw her best friend from school crying. She sat Twinkle down and went to Jennifer. Jennifer had secretly taken her doll to school and forgot her. The school was closed and she would have to wait until the next day to get her. Scarlet helped her out by letting Twinkle spend the night with Jennifer so she wouldn’t be sad and lonely. This is a story that teaches children about sharing and caring.

A Very Important Lesson

Scarlet and Twinkle get permission to explore their neighborhood one day. They decide to go a different direction. At the end of their street they see a forest and decide to enter it. The deeper they go the darker it gets. When they decide they should go back they realize they don’t recognize the way because it all looks the same. That is when they notice a ball of stuffing and realize a hole in Twinkle’s foot has actually saved them. All they need to do is follow the stuffing to get back out. Scarlett tells her parents about the forest and the lesson she has learned about not going to unfamiliar places without an adult.

The thing I love about Janice Ford’s books is that they are simple stories for the youngest child with simple lessons. 

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Uprooted by Kandi J. Wyatt

Genre:  Middle Grade, Young Adult, Fantasy
Source:  I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

As always Kandi Wyatt has created a series you have to read. Once I started the book I could not put it down. As I have said before, her world building is so realistic you find yourself along for the ride with the characters.  She has created a world where some lands are in almost total darkness, while some lands have too much light.  This creates a unique problem that kids who have taken science will understand. Without light you can’t grow products to help you life. On the other hand if you have too much light you have the same issue. She has created these worlds and the people who inhabit them with such skill.

Hest, the main character lives in a land where very little grows. He has never seen a tree. Any wood they have must be imported so it is limited.  His parents are dead so he works for a woman who runs the tavern. He has feelings for her daughter and her son is like a little brother to him. He is in charge of the stables and beyond  good with horses. One day a man shows up with a magnificent horse. Hest doesn’t get off to a very good start with him. The next day as the man prepares to leave he finds Hest working his horse. It is through this activity a life changing decision is made for Hest. He sees the man hand a bag of money to the woman who has been like a mother to him since his own died. He believes he has been sold.  He goes with the man.  It is along this trip he learns he is not a slave but something more.

Hest grew as a character and a man throughout this story.  However, knowing this is a new series I know there is so much more to learn about this character. He proves his loyalty not only to the people of the new land he now belongs to but also to a dragon.  Yes!  I knew the master storyteller of dragons would have to place one somewhere. At least I hoped she would.  I can not wait to read the next book and learn more about this new world she has built. I do hope I left enough teasers here to make you order your copy today. You won’t regret it.