Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Alone by Megan E. Freeman

Genre: Novel in Verse, Realistic Fiction

Source: Purchased


Maddie is a typical teen living in Colorado. Maddie splits her time between her mom and step-dad’s house and her dad and step-mom’s house. She and two of her friends hatch a plan to spend a night at Maddie’s grandparents apartment alone. Maddie tells her mom she is staying with her dad and tells her dad she is staying with her mom to babysit. She goes to her grandma’s apartment and waits for her two friends to arrive. Unfortunately, their parents call her mom and are told she is at her dad’s so they can’t go anywhere. Then the unimaginable happens. Maddie hears sounds of panic outside of her grandma’s apartment. People are being rounded up. She hears the neighbor tell the person in charge that the owners are out of state.  Maddy wakes the next morning to learn that everyone in her town has been evacuated due to an “imminent threat”. This begins Maddie’s journey to survive. She doesn’t know what the threat is. As she goes about town she finds a barrel with cell phones in it. She dials her mom’s number and hears a phone ring in one of the barrels, she tries her dad’s phone and her friends’ phones only to realize every one of them were left behind. This is a story of survival. It starts with Maddie talking to one of her step-brothers about the book “Island of the Blue Dolphins”. There are definite similarities between the book and Maddie’s new reality. I loved that this was told in verse which made it a very quick read. The emotional aspect as you go day by day and year by year on this ride with Maddie makes you wonder what you would do if you were left behind.  Can’t wait to put this on my school shelves.

Monday, June 28, 2021

It's All About Family Five Books by Michael Gordon

 Genre:  Children's Picture Books

Source: Purchased

I’m a Big Brother Now

Reading this book was like watching my own son and daughter, Henry was excited to get a new sister. He did everything he could for her. He looked forward to the day when she would grow bigger and they could play together and go to school together.


My Big Brother

Another story that reminded me of my own two children. Brad helps his mom by playing with his sister Kate. He teaches her how to clean up. This gives his mom a break. It also teaches his sister valuable things.


My Super Dad

Davy’s dad can do anything. He is always there for Davy. He plays with him, fixes him soup, scares monsters away. For these reasons Davy’ dad is his superhero.


My Super Mom

Jamie sees his mom as a superhero because she is always there when he is hungry, hurt or wants to play. Jamie’s mom is a superhero to him because she is a good mother.


Best Brothers

Jake is happy to have Jude as his brother. They play together, tell jokes and get along real well. They are not only great brothers but best friends.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Dragon Talks/ The Big Boy Potty/When You Grow Up by Michael Gordon


 Genre: Children's Picture Books

Source: I purchased


The Dragon Talks

Gab the dragon likes to talk. He talks so much no one else can talk. When Gab loses his voice he begins to listen and learns that listening to others is very important.

The Big Boy Potty

Potty training is never easy. This would be a great book to start reading to your little one before you start potty training. This book would get them excited about growing up and going potty and getting rid of their diapers.


When You Grow Up

Mom shares with her daughter Maddie how much she loves her. Then she starts telling her all the wonderful things she can grow up to do. Most importantly mom wants her to know she wants her to grow up to be kind, healthy and a wonderful person.