Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall - Mary Downing Hahn

Publisher:  clarion Books
Pages:  160
Source:  Purchased
Genre:  Middle Grade Mystery

Florence is a twelve year old orphan who is sent to live with an uncle and aunt.  Her uncle had been searching for her since finding out about her parents tragic death.  She arrives a day early at Crutchfield Hall and can already tell her aunt doesn't like her.  She compares everything Florence does to Sophia.  Sophia was Florence's cousin who died six months earlier in a tragic accident.  Her aunt won't let her meet her cousin James.  Florence feels early on that someone is watching her.  She hears a voice and then she is being forced to do things she would not normally do.  When she tries telling her aunt and uncle, her uncle doesn't believe in ghosts and her aunt is enraged she would blame her "sweet " niece.  The one who could do no wrong.  But,  Sophia is back to finish something, to seek revenge.  She will not let anyone get in her way.  Hahn has once again created a ghost story that I enjoyed and one I know my students will devour.


  1. I agree. I've read almost all of her ghost stories.

  2. hi im zoie 8yrs old.My mom is making me read this book.So far i love it i also read it in school.right now i am going to 3 grade.I couldn't take my eyes off the was amazing,awesome,and scary all at the same time. I loved it!
